Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1304.0504 (Christian Peuntinger et al.)

Distributing entanglement with separable states    [PDF]

Christian Peuntinger, Vanessa Chille, Ladislav Mišta, Jr., Natalia Korolkova, Michael Förtsch, Jan Korger, Christoph Marquardt, Gerd Leuchs
Like a silver thread, quantum entanglement [1] runs through the foundations and breakthrough applications of quantum information theory. It cannot arise from local operations and classical communication (LOCC) and therefore represents a more intimate relationship among physical systems than we may encounter in the classical world. The `nonlocal' character of entanglement manifests itself through a number of counterintuitive phenomena encompassing Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox [2,3], steering [4], Bell nonlocality [5] or negativity of entropy [6,7]. Furthermore, it extends our abilities to process information. Here, entanglement is used as a resource which needs to be shared between several parties, eventually placed at remote locations. However entanglement is not the only manifestation of quantum correlations. Notably, also separable quantum states can be used as a shared resource for quantum communication. The experiment presented in this paper highlights the quantumness of correlations in separable mixed states and the role of classical information in quantum communication by demonstrating entanglement distribution using merely a separable ancilla mode.
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