Monday, April 8, 2013

1304.1709 (Mathias Boström et al.)

Resonance Interaction Induced by Metal Surfaces Catalyses Atom Pair

Mathias Boström, Clas Persson, Barry W. Ninham, Patrick Norman, Bo E. Sernelius
We present the theory for retarded resonance interaction between two identical atoms at arbitrary positions near a metal surface. The dipole-dipole resonance interaction force that binds isotropically excited atom pairs together in free space may turn repulsive close to an ideal (totally reflecting) metal surface. On the other hand, close to an infinitely permeable surface it may turn more attractive. We illustrate numerically how the dipole-dipole resonance interaction between two oxygen atoms near a metal surface may provide a repulsive energy of the same order of magnitude as the ground-state binding energy of an oxygen molecule. As a complement we also present results from density-functional theory.
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