Monday, April 8, 2013

1304.1738 (Filippo Cardano et al.)

Violation of Leggett-type inequalities in the spin-orbit degrees of
freedom of a single photon

Filippo Cardano, Ebrahim Karimi, Lorenzo Marrucci, Corrado de Lisio, Enrico Santamato
We report the experimental violation of Leggett-type inequalities for a hybrid entangled state of spin and orbital angular momentum of a single photon. These inequalities give a physical criterion to verify the possible validity of a class of hidden-variable theories, originally named "crypto non-local", that are not excluded by the violation of Bell-type inequalities. In our case, the tested theories assume the existence of hidden variables associated with independent degrees of freedom of the same particle, while admitting the possibility of an influence between the two measurements, i.e. the so-called contextuality of observables. We observe a violation the Leggett inequalities for a range of experimental inputs, with a maximum violation of seven standard deviations, thus ruling out this class of hidden variable models with a high confidence.
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