Tuesday, June 11, 2013

1306.1989 (Sonam Mahajan et al.)

Dynamical Casimir Effect and its Acoustic Analog in an optomechanical
resonator containing a Quantum Well

Sonam Mahajan, Neha Aggarwal, Tarun Kumar, Aranya B Bhattacherjee, ManMohan
We study in detail the dynamics of a non-stationary system composed of a Quantum Well confined in an optomechanical cavity. This system is investigated with classical and quantized motion of the cavity movable mirror. In both the cases, the cavity frequency is rapidly modulated in time. In particular, we study the Dynamical Casimir Effect for the system. The intensity of fluorescent light emitted by excitons in the quantum well is also examined for these non-stationary systems. The parametric amplification is observed in the production of intracavity photons from vacuum state at resonant modulating frequency with quantized mirror motion. It has also been noted that initial stage of fluorescence spectrum helps in detecting the dynamical Casimir effect. It is also noticed that under strong modulation, dynamical Casimir effect dominates while under weak modulation, fluorescence dominates. We also demonstrate the acoustic analog of the Dynamical Casimir Effect for a system consisting of quantum well in an optomechanical cavity. In this case, the cavity frequency is fixed but the external pump laser beam is amplitude modulated.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.1989

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