Tuesday, May 29, 2012

1205.6089 (Riccardo Messina et al.)

Dynamics of a two-level system in environments out of thermal

Riccardo Messina, Bruno Bellomo, Didier Felbacq, Mauro Antezza
We study the quantum evolution of a two-level system embedded in a stationary radiation out of thermal equilibrium. Lifetime and density matrix are investigated when the two-level system is placed close to a body of arbitrary geometry and dielectric function, and whose temperature is different from the environmental one. Thermalization process and steady states become both qualitatively and quantitatively different from the case of radiation at thermal equilibrium. We analyze in detail the case where the body is a slab of finite thickness, showing explicitly that configurations out of thermal equilibrium offer new ways to efficiently control the atomic dynamics, for a wide class of experimental configurations involving different realizations of two-level systems.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.6089

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