Tuesday, June 19, 2012

1206.3794 (Michael E. Cuffaro et al.)

On the Debate Concerning the Proper Characterisation of Quantum
Dynamical Evolution

Michael E. Cuffaro, Wayne C. Myrvold
There has been a long-standing and sometimes passionate debate between physicists over whether a dynamical framework for quantum systems should incorporate not completely positive (NCP) maps in addition to completely positive (CP) maps. Despite the reasonableness of the arguments for complete positivity, we argue that NCP maps should be allowed, with a qualification: these should be understood, not as reflecting 'not completely positive' evolution, but as linear extensions, to a system's entire state space, of CP maps that are only partially defined. Beyond the domain of definition of a partial-CP map, we argue, much may be permitted.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.3794

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