Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1206.5812 (Takatoshi Fujita et al.)

Memory-assisted exciton diffusion in the chlorosome light-harvesting
antenna of green sulfur bacteria

Takatoshi Fujita, Jennifer C. Brookes, Semion K. Saikin, Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Chlorosomes are likely the largest and most efficient natural light-harvesting photosynthetic antenna systems. They are composed of large numbers of bacteriochlorophylls organized into supramolecular aggregates. We explore the microscopic origin of the fast excitation energy transfer in the chlorosome using the recently-resolved structure and atomistic-detail simulations. Despite the dynamical disorder effects on the electronic transitions of the bacteriochlorophylls, our simulations show that the exciton delocalizes over the entire aggregate in about 200 fs. The memory effects associated to the dynamical disorder assist the exciton diffusion through the aggregates and enhance the diffusion coefficients as a factor of two as compared to the model without memory. Furthermore, exciton diffusion in the chlorosome is found to be highly anisotropic with the preferential transfer towards the baseplate, which is the next functional element in the photosynthetic system.
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