Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1206.5823 (Andrew J. Hanson et al.)

Geometry of Discrete Quantum Computing    [PDF]

Andrew J. Hanson, Gerardo Ortiz, Amr Sabry
Conventional quantum computing entails a geometry based on the description of an n-qubit state using 2^{n} infinite precision complex numbers denoting a vector in a Hilbert space. Such numbers are in general uncomputable using any real-world resources, and, if we have the idea of physical law as some kind of computational algorithm of the universe, we would be compelled to alter our descriptions of physics to be consistent with computable numbers. Our purpose here is to examine the implications of using finite fields F_p and finite complexified fields F_p^2 (based on primes p congruent to 3 (mod 4)) as the basis for computations in a theory of discrete quantum computing, which would therefore become a computable theory. Because the states of a discrete n-qubit system are in principle enumerable, we are able to determine the proportions of entangled and unentangled states. In particular, we extend the Hopf fibration that defines the irreducible state space of conventional continuous n-qubit theories (which is the complex projective space CP^{2^{n}-1}) to an analogous discrete geometry in which the Hopf circle for any n is found to be a discrete set of p+1 points. The tally of unit-length n-qubit states is given, and reduced via the generalized Hopf fibration to DCP^{2^{n}-1}, the discrete analogue of the complex projective space which has p^{2^{n}-1}(p^{2^{n}}-1)/(p+1) irreducible states. Using a measure of entanglement, the Purity, we explore the entanglement features of discrete quantum states and find that the n-qubit states based on the complexified field F_p^2 have p^{n} (p-1)^{n} unentangled states (the product of the tally for a single qubit) with purity one, and they have p^{n+1}(p-1)(p+1)^{n-1} maximally entangled states with purity zero.
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