Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1206.6095 (Rajat K Pradhan)

Psychophysical Interpretation of Quantum theory    [PDF]

Rajat K Pradhan
It is shown that the formalism of quantum theory naturally incorporates the psychophysical parallelism and thereby interprets itself, if the subjective aspects are taken as equal partners alongside the objective aspects as determinants of Reality as a Whole. The inevitable interplay of the subject (observer) and the object (observed) in making up Reality is brought out succinctly through a comprehensive psychophysical interpretation which includes in its bosom the truths of many of the major interpretations proposed so far as essential ingredients. At the heart of this novel approach lies the interpretation of the complex conjugate quantities such as the conjugate wave function {\Psi}*(r, t), the bra vector <{\Psi}|, and the adjoint operator A{\dag} etc. as representing the subjective counterparts of the corresponding objective aspects represented by the wave function {\Psi}(r, t), the ket vector |{\Psi}>, and the observable A etc. respectively. This brings out the psycho-physical parallelism lying hidden in the quantum mechanical formalism in a quite straightforward manner. The measurement process is shown to be a two-step process comprising objective interaction through the retarded waves and subjective observation leading to rise of knowledge through the advanced waves.
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