Wednesday, July 25, 2012

1112.1690 (K. Stannigel et al.)

Driven-dissipative preparation of entangled states in cascaded
quantum-optical networks

K. Stannigel, P. Rabl, P. Zoller
We study the dissipative dynamics and the formation of entangled states in driven cascaded quantum networks, where multiple systems are coupled to a common unidirectional bath. Specifically, we identify the conditions under which emission and coherent reabsorption of radiation drives the whole network into a pure stationary state with non-trivial quantum correlations between the individual nodes. We illustrate this effect in more detail for the example of cascaded two-level systems, where we present an explicit preparation scheme that allows one to tune the whole network through "bright" and "dark" states associated with different multi-partite entanglement patterns. In a complementary setting consisting of cascaded non-linear cavities, we find that two cavity modes can be driven into a non-Gaussian entangled dark state. Potential realizations of such cascaded networks with optical and microwave photons are discussed.
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