Wednesday, July 25, 2012

1207.5729 (Masashi Hirose et al.)

Continuous dynamical decoupling magnetometry    [PDF]

Masashi Hirose, Clarice D. Aiello, Paola Cappellaro
Solid-state qubits hold the promise to achieve unmatched combination of sensitivity and spatial resolution. To achieve their potential, the qubits need however to be shielded from the deleterious e?ects of the environment. While dynamical decoupling techniques can improve the coherence time, they impose a compromise between sensitivity and bandwidth, since to higher decoupling power correspond higher frequencies of the ?eld to be measured. Moreover, the performance of pulse sequences is ultimately limited by control bounds and errors. Here we analyze a versatile alternative based on continuous driving. We ?nd that continuous dynamical decoupling schemes can be used for AC magnetometry, providing similar frequency constraints on the AC field and improved sensitivity for some noise regimes. In addition, the exibility of phase and amplitude modulation could yield superior robustness to driving errors and a better adaptability to external experimental scenarios.
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