Wednesday, July 25, 2012

1207.5523 (Swapan Rana et al.)

Entanglement alone can be more than other quantum correlations    [PDF]

Swapan Rana, Preeti Parashar
We show that partial transposition of any $2\otimes n$ state can have at most $(n-1)$ number of negative eigenvalues. This extends a decade old result of $2\otimes 2$ case by Sanpera et al. [Phys. Rev. A 58, 826 (1998)]. We give two proofs---one is purely matrix theoretic and the other is more conventional to quantum information. We then apply this result to critically assess an important conjecture recently made in [Phys. Rev. A 84, 052110 (2011)], namely, the (normalized) geometric discord should always be lower bounded by squared negativity. This conjecture has strengthen the common belief that measures of generic quantum correlations should be more than those of entanglement. Our analysis shows that unfortunately this is not the case and we give several counterexamples to this conjecture. All the examples considered here are in finite dimensions. Surprisingly, there are counterexamples in $2\otimes n$ for any $n>2$. Coincidentally, it appears that the $4\otimes 4$ Werner state, when seen as a $2\otimes 8$ dimensional state, also violates the conjecture. This result contributes to the negative side of the current ongoing debates on the defining notion of geometric discord as a good measure of generic correlations.
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