Tuesday, August 14, 2012

0901.0811 (Robert Alicki)

Quantum memory as a perpetuum mobile? Stability v.s. reversibility of
information processing

Robert Alicki
It is argued using a Gedankenexperiment that a scalable quantum memory could be used as a perpetuum mobile of the second kind and hence cannot be realized in Nature. The reasoning is based on the assumption that the Landauer's principle for measurements is a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics and not an independent postulate. This implies a modification of the Landauer's principle when applied for discrimination of equilibrium (metastable) states. While identification of the metastable state can be done at the infinitesimally low cost, a change of such a state involves dissipation of energy proportional to its stability factor.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/0901.0811

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