Tuesday, December 18, 2012

1212.3752 (M. T. Tavis et al.)

Stimulated Emission of Radiation in a Single Mode for both Resonance and
Non-resonance for Various Initial Photon Distributions

M. T. Tavis, F. W. Cummings
This paper reexamines the results of Cummings in which the quantum mechanical two-level-system (TLS) interacts with the electromagnetic field with various initial distributions and extends that work for both resonant and non-resonant to large values of time. The results presented here include the initial pure coherent state, the field whose initial density matrix is the Gaussian superposition of coherent states (blackbody radiation) and density matrices of the field represented by various combinations of mixed coherent and thermal states with and without squeezing This paper provides, in addition to the matrix elements to the various states, both the algebraic and graphical representation for the first order correlation function G(1)= for resonance and non-resonance. It is found that in all case, the application of non-resonance leads to oscillations in the first order correlation which was thought only to apply for the coherent state even for the case of the pure thermal state.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.3752

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