Tuesday, February 26, 2013

1302.6163 (W. -D. R. Stein)

Quantized magnetic flux through the orbits of hydrogen-like atoms within
the atomic model of Sommerfeld

W. -D. R. Stein
Within the Sommerfeld atomic model the quantization of magnetic flux through the electronic orbits is investigated together with its dependency on additional sources of magnetic fields. These sources alter the magnetic flux through the atomic orbits and in consequence are causing energy shifts. This effect is investigated for the cases, where the source is an external magnetic field, the magnetic moment of the nucleus or the magnetic moment of the electron. The energy shifts due to external magnetic fields, the magnetic dipole contribution of the hyperfine splitting and the spin-orbit coupling can be reproduced very well. The meaning of 'spin', however, changes within this approach drastically. The unusual Land\'e g-factor of 2 for the electron is a result of the orbital motion and the magnetic moment of the electron rather than it is an intrinsic property of the electron.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.6163

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