Wednesday, April 17, 2013

1304.4466 (D. D. Bhaktavatsala Rao et al.)

Dark entangled steady states of Rydberg interacting atoms    [PDF]

D. D. Bhaktavatsala Rao, Klaus Mølmer
We propose a scheme for rapid generation of high fidelity steady state entanglement between a pair of atoms. A two-photon excitation process towards long-lived Rydberg states with finite pairwise interaction, a dark state interference effect in the individual atoms, and spontaneous emission from their short-lived excited states lead to rapid, dissipative formation of an entangled steady state. We show that for a wide range of physical parameters, this entangled state is formed on a time scale given by the strengths of coherent Raman and Rabi fields applied to the atoms, while it is only weakly dependent on the Rydberg interaction strength.
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