Magnus Radmark, Marcin Wiesniak, Marek Zukowski, Mohamed Bourennane
Transmission of quantum states is a central task in quantum information science. Remote state preparation (RSP) has the same goal as teleportation, i.e. transferring quantum information without sending physically the information carrier, but in RSP the sender knows the state which is to be transmitted. We present experimental demonstrations of RSP for two and three locations. In our experimental scheme Alice (the preparer) and her three partners share four and six photon polarization entangled singlets. This allows us to perform RSP of two or three copies of a single qubit states, a two qubit Bell state, and a three qubit W, or inverse W state. A possibility to prepare a two-qubit non-maximally entangled and GHZ states is also discussed. The ability to remotely prepare an entangled states by local projections at Alice is a distinguishing feature of our scheme.
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