Thursday, July 25, 2013

1307.6286 (Marcio M. Santos et al.)

Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm via deterministic quantum computaion with one
qubit model

Marcio M. Santos, Eduardo I. Duzzioni
Quantum correlations have been pointed out as the most likely source of the speed-up in quantum computation. Here we study the presence of quantum correlations on the implementation of Deutsch- Jozsa algorithm running in the DQC1 model. We extend the analysis to a previous experimental realization of this computation presented in Phys. Rev. A 78, 022317 (2008). The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, an oracle based problem, can efficiently be solved in this model. Although there is no quantum correlations in the initial and final states of the computation, we find quantum correlations in intermediate steps of the algorithm. The presence of quantum correlations is not a sufficient property for computational gain in this case, since the performance of the classical probabilistic algorithm is better than the quantum one. The reason for this unexpected result relies on the fact that we have access to the outcomes of the control qubit only. A comparison between the efficiency of DQC1 and DQCp circuits to solve the Deustch-Jozsa problem is also presented.
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