Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1303.4106 (M J Faghihi et al.)

Entanglement dynamics and position-momentum entropic uncertainty
relation of a $Λ$-type three-level atom interacting with a two-mode
cavity field in the presence of nonlinearities

M J Faghihi, M K Tavassoly, M R Hooshmandasl
In this paper, the interaction between a $\Lambda$-type three-level atom and two-mode cavity field is discussed. The detuning parameters and cross-Kerr nonlinearity are taken into account and it is assumed that atom-field coupling and Kerr medium to be $f$-deformed. Even though the system seems to be complicated, the analytical form of the state vector of the entire system for considered model is exactly obtained. The time evolution of nonclassical properties such as quantum entanglement and position-momentum entropic uncertainty relation (entropy squeezing) of the field are investigated. In each case, the influences of the detuning parameters, generalized Kerr medium and intensity-dependent coupling on the latter nonclassicality signs are analyzed, in detail.
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