Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1303.4718 (Thomas Kiesel)

Classical and quantum-mechanical phase space distributions    [PDF]

Thomas Kiesel
We examine the notion of nonclassicality in terms of quasiprobability distributions. In particular, we do not only ask if a specific quasiprobability can be interpreted as a classical probability density, but require that characteristic features of classical electrodynamics are resembled. We show that the only quasiprobabilities which correctly describe the superposition principle of classical electromagnetic fields are the s-parameterized quasiprobabilities. Furthermore, the Glauber-Sudarshan P function is the only quantum-mechanical quasiprobability which is transformed at a classical attenuator in the same way as a classical probability distribution. This result strengthens the definition of nonclassicality in terms of the P function, in contrast to possible definitions in terms of other quasiprobabilities.
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