Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1110.2750 (Tomasz M. Rusin et al.)

Non-locality of energy separating transformations for Dirac electrons in
a magnetic field

Tomasz M. Rusin, Wlodek Zawadzki
We investigate a non-locality of Moss-Okninski transformation (MOT) used to separate positive and negative energy states in the 3+1 Dirac equation for relativistic electrons in the presence of a magnetic field. Properties of functional kernels generated by the MOT are analyzed and kernel non-localities are characterized by calculating their second moments parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field. Transformed functions are described and investigated by computing their variances. It is shown that the non-locality of the energy-separating transformation in the direction parallel to the magnetic field is characterized by the Compton wavelength $\lambda_c=\hbar/mc$. In the plane transverse to magnetic field the non-locality depends both on magnetic radius $L=(\hbar/eB)^{1/2}$ and $\lambda_c$. The non-locality of MO transformation for the 2+1 Dirac equation is also considered.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.2750

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