Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1208.3838 (Roger R. Sakhel et al.)

Energy and condensate dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate excited by
a moving red laser potential inside a power law trap cutoff by box potential
hard walls

Roger R. Sakhel, Asaad R. Sakhel
We explore the energy dynamics of a two dimensional (2D) trapped Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) excited by a moving red-detuned laser potential (RDLP). The trap is a combination of a power-law (PL) potential cutoff by a hard-wall box potential (HWBP). It is found that by a restricted measurment of the energy within the boundaries of the HWBP, the energy demonstrates oscillations indicative of solitons. It is then demonstrated, that the geometry of the PL potential influences the lifetime of these oscillations, i.e., the lifetime of the ensuing solitons inside the HWBP. We argue that the energy dynamics in this setup are a good tool for measuring their lifetime. It is also found, that the condensate density dynamics display oscillatory patterns of a magnitude and order controlled by the velocity of the RDLP. A connection to oscillations in the chemical potential dynamics is also discussed. Essentially, we suggest future experiments for this kind of setup, which would measure the phonon energy dynamics to trace the lifetime of solitons.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1208.3838

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