Thursday, July 4, 2013

1307.0595 (Adam Zaman Chaudhry et al.)

Role of initial system-environment correlations: A master equation

Adam Zaman Chaudhry, Jiangbin Gong
In order to achieve practical implementations of emerging quantum technologies, it is important to have a firm understanding of the dynamics of realistic quantum open systems. Master equations provide a widely used tool in this regard. In this work, we first construct a master equation valid for weak system-environment coupling. The master equation we construct explicitly takes into account the effect of initial system-environment correlations. We then investigate the role of initial system-environment correlations using this master equation for a system consisting of many two-level atoms interacting with a common environment. We show that, in general, due to the initial system-environment correlations, the quantum state of the system can evolve at a faster time-scale. Moreover, we also consider different initial state preparations, and demonstrate that the influence of the initial correlations depends on the initial state preparation. Our results can be of interest to many topics based on quantum open systems where system-environment correlation effects have been neglected before.
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