Monday, April 30, 2012
1104.4043 (Bruno Bellomo et al.)
Linear relative entropy as measure of correlations in quantum systems [PDF]
Bruno Bellomo, Rosario Lo Franco, Giuseppe Compagno1109.6887 (Easwar Magesan et al.)
Characterizing Quantum Gates via Randomized Benchmarking [PDF]
Easwar Magesan, Jay M. Gambetta, Joseph Emerson1112.4855 (A. MacRae et al.)
Tomography of a High-Purity Narrowband Photon From a Transient Atomic
Collective Excitation [PDF]
A. MacRae, T. Brannan, A. I. Lvovsky
1204.6042 (Vaibhav Madhok et al.)
Quantum discord as a resource in quantum protocols [PDF]
Vaibhav Madhok, Animesh Datta1204.6094 (Amir Kalev et al.)
Quantum State Tomography Using Successive Measurements [PDF]
Amir Kalev, Pier A. Mello1204.6141 (Savannah Garmon et al.)
Amplification of non-Markovian decay due to bound state absorption into
continuum [PDF]
Savannah Garmon, Tomio Petrosky, Yelena Nikulina, Dvira Segal
1204.6149 (Bálint Kollár et al.)
Asymptotic dynamics of coined quantum walks on percolation graphs [PDF]
Bálint Kollár, Tamás Kiss, Jaroslav Novotný, Igor Jex1204.6153 (Ramachandrarao Yalla et al.)
Efficient channeling of fluorescence photons from single quantum dots
into guided modes of optical nanofiber [PDF]
Ramachandrarao Yalla, Fam Le Kien, M. Morinaga, K. Hakuta
1204.6205 (T. Jonckheere et al.)
Electron and hole Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry [PDF]
T. Jonckheere, J. rech, C. Wahl, T. Martin1204.6220 (Miguel Navascues et al.)
Quantum Steering and Space-Like Separation [PDF]
Miguel Navascues, David Perez-Garcia1204.6238 (Raqueline A. M. Santos et al.)
Decoherence on Quantum Markov Chains [PDF]
Raqueline A. M. Santos, Renato Portugal, Marcelo D. Fragoso1204.6253 (Sebastian Zaske et al.)
Visible-to-telecom quantum frequency conversion of light from a single
quantum emitter [PDF]
Sebastian Zaske, Andreas Lenhard, Christian A. Kessler, Jan Kettler, Christian Hepp, Carsten Arend, Roland Albrecht, Wolfgang-Michael Schulz, Michael Jetter, Peter Michler, Christoph Becher
1204.6271 (Eduardo Martin-Martinez et al.)
Fundamental limitations to the entanglement generation rate of the state
merging protocol in accelerated frames [PDF]
Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Dominic Hosler, Miguel Montero
1204.6275 (S. M. Mousavi et al.)
Effect of quantum interference on the optical properties of a
three-level V-type atomic system beyond the two-photon resonance condition [PDF]
S. M. Mousavi, L. Safari, M. Mahmoudi, M. Sahrai
1204.6308 (Jay M. Gambetta et al.)
Characterization of addressability by simultaneous randomized
benchmarking [PDF]
Jay M. Gambetta, A. D. Corcoles, S. T. Merkel, B. R. Johnson, John A. Smolin, Jerry M. Chow, Colm A. Ryan, Chad Rigetti, S. Poletto, Thomas A. Ohki, Mark B. Ketchen, M. Steffen
Friday, April 27, 2012
1104.1347 (D. Hayes et al.)
Coherent Error Suppression in Multi-Qubit Entangling Gates [PDF]
D. Hayes, S. M. Clark, S. Debnath, D. Hucul, I. V. Inlek, K. W. Lee, Q. Quraishi, C. Monroe1108.2261 (Michael Silberstein et al.)
Being, Becoming and the Undivided Universe: A Dialogue between
Relational Blockworld and the Implicate Order Concerning the Unification of
Relativity and Quantum Theory [PDF]
Michael Silberstein, W. M. Stuckey, Timothy McDevitt
1111.3837 (Zhengjun Xi et al.)
Necessary and sufficient condition for saturating the upper bound of
quantum discord [PDF]
Zhengjun Xi, Xiao-Ming Lu, Xiaoguang Wang, Yongming Li
1112.0736 (Zhengjun Xi et al.)
Measurement-induced nonlocality based on the relative entropy [PDF]
Zhengjun Xi, Xiaoguang Wang, Yongming Li1201.2443 (Qing-Guo Huang et al.)
Cosmological constant, inflation and no-cloning theorem [PDF]
Qing-Guo Huang, Feng-Li Lin1201.3344 (Zhihao Lan et al.)
Coexistence of spin-1/2 and spin-1 Dirac-Weyl fermions in the
edge-centered honeycomb lattice [PDF]
Zhihao Lan, Nathan Goldman, Patrik Ohberg
1204.5262 (Shu-Hao Yeh et al.)
Population and Entanglement Dynamics in Light Harvesting Complex II
(LH2) [PDF]
Shu-Hao Yeh, Jing Zhu, Sabre Kais
1204.5758 (V. D. Salakhutdinov et al.)
Full-field quantum correlations of spatially entangled photons [PDF]
V. D. Salakhutdinov, E. R. Eliel, W. Löffler1204.5769 (Wen-ge Wang et al.)
Scaling behavior in quantum phase transitions [PDF]
Wen-ge Wang, Pinquan Qin, Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati1204.5775 (Simone Cialdi et al.)
A novel method to investigate how the spatial correlation of the pump
beam affects the purity of polarization entangled states [PDF]
Simone Cialdi, Davide Brivio, Andrea Tabacchini, Ali Mohammed Kadhimi, Matteo G. A. Paris
1204.5781 (Mehul Malik et al.)
Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence on a High-Dimensional Quantum Key
Distribution System using Orbital Angular Momentum for Encoding [PDF]
Mehul Malik, Malcolm O'Sullivan, Brandon Rodenburg, Mohammad Mirhosseini, Jonathan Leach, Martin P. J. Lavery, Miles J. Padgett, Robert W. Boyd
1204.5789 (Joseph W. Britton et al.)
Engineered 2D Ising interactions on a trapped-ion quantum simulator with
hundreds of spins [PDF]
Joseph W. Britton, Brian C. Sawyer, Adam C. Keith, C. -C. Joseph Wang, James K. Freericks, Hermann Uys, Michael J. Biercuk, John. J. Bollinger
1204.5795 (Jason D. Biggs et al.)
Two-Dimensional Stimulated Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of Molecules
with Broadband X-ray Pulses [PDF]
Jason D. Biggs, Yu Zhang, Daniel Healion, Shaul Mukamel
1204.5832 (Zhi-Kun Su et al.)
A simple scheme for quantum networks based on orbital angular momentum
states of photons [PDF]
Zhi-Kun Su, Fa-Qiang Wang, Rui-Bo Jin, Rui-Sheng Liang, Song-Hao Liu
1204.5850 (A. A. Vyshnevyy et al.)
Three Mach Zehnder Interferometers Setup for Production and Observation
of GHZ-entanglement of Electrons [PDF]
A. A. Vyshnevyy, G. B. Lesovik, T. Jonckheere, T. Martin
1204.5870 (André Xuereb et al.)
Multipartite optomechanical entanglement from competing nonlinearities [PDF]
André Xuereb, Marco Barbieri, Mauro Paternostro1204.5882 (Paul Jouguet et al.)
High Performance Error Correction for Quantum Key Distribution using
Polar Codes [PDF]
Paul Jouguet, Sébastien Kunz-Jacques
1204.5889 (Pinja Haikka et al.)
Robust non-Markovianity in ultracold gases [PDF]
Pinja Haikka, Suzanne McEndoo, Gabriele De Chiara, Massimo Palma, Sabrina Maniscalco1204.5890 (Tao Zhou et al.)
Influence of detector motion on discrimination between photon
polarizations [PDF]
Tao Zhou, Jingxin Cui, Ye Cao
1204.5896 (Malte C. Tichy et al.)
Dynamical effects of exchange symmetry breaking in mixtures of
interacting bosons [PDF]
Malte C. Tichy, Jacob F. Sherson, Klaus Mølmer
1204.5911 (M. F. Ciappina et al.)
Tailoring high-order harmonic generation with nonhomogeneous fields and
electron confinement [PDF]
M. F. Ciappina, Srdjan S. Acimovic, T. Shaaran, J. Biegert, R. Quidant, M. Lewenstein
1204.5931 (Matisse Wei-Yuan Tu et al.)
Coherent control of artificial molecules using an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic
flux [PDF]
Matisse Wei-Yuan Tu, Wei-Min Zhang, Franco Nori
1204.5937 (K. Barr et al.)
Periodicity and perfect state transfer in quantum walks on three
families of graphs [PDF]
K. Barr, T. Proctor, D. Allen, V. Kendon
1204.5949 (Yanting Zhang et al.)
Quantum Adsorption of an Electron to Porous Silicon [PDF]
Yanting Zhang, Dennis P. Clougherty1204.6021 (Michael S. Underwood et al.)
Bose-Hubbard model for universal quantum walk-based computation [PDF]
Michael S. Underwood, David L. FederThursday, April 26, 2012
1003.3618 (Benno van den Berg et al.)
Noncommutativity as a colimit [PDF]
Benno van den Berg, Chris Heunen1109.2844 (Sébastien Kunz-Jacques et al.)
Using Hash-Based Signatures to Bootstrap Quantum Key Distribution [PDF]
Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, Paul Jouguet1111.4481 (Elsi-Mari Laine et al.)
Nonlocal memory effects in the dynamics of open quantum systems [PDF]
Elsi-Mari Laine, Heinz-Peter Breuer, Jyrki Piilo, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo1111.5208 (Vitalie Eremeev et al.)
Thermally generated long-lived quantum correlations for two atoms
trapped in fiber-coupled cavities [PDF]
Vitalie Eremeev, Víctor Montenegro, Miguel Orszag
1201.1176 (Jia Wang et al.)
Origin of the Three-body Parameter Universality in Efimov Physics [PDF]
Jia Wang, J. P. D'Incao, B. D. Esry, Chris H. Greene1204.5483 (Shimon Kolkowitz et al.)
Sensing distant nuclear spins with a single electron spin [PDF]
Shimon Kolkowitz, Quirin P. Unterreithmeier, Steven D. Bennett, Mikhail D. Lukin1204.5485 (Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz et al.)
Finding low-energy conformations of lattice protein models by quantum
annealing [PDF]
Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz, Neil Dickson, Marshall Drew-Brook, Geordie Rose, Alán Aspuru-Guzik
1204.5499 (G. Brida et al.)
Unveiling optical hidden correlations: the illusionist game [PDF]
G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, A. Meda, S. Olivares, M. G. A. Paris1204.5511 (Xiao-yu Chen et al.)
Total and genuine entanglement of three qubit GHZ diagonal states [PDF]
Xiao-yu Chen, Li-zhen Jiang, Ping Yu, Mingzhen Tian1204.5512 (Xiao-yu Chen et al.)
Genuine Entanglement of Four Qubit Cluster Diagonal States [PDF]
Xiao-yu Chen, Ping Yu, Li-zhen Jiang, Mingzhen Tian1204.5516 (Tatsuhiko Shirai et al.)
Phase transitions due to interaction between photons and atoms in a
cavity system [PDF]
Tatsuhiko Shirai, Takashi Mori, Seiji Miyashita
1204.5530 (Kai Li et al.)
Nonlinear PT-symmetric plaquettes [PDF]
Kai Li, P. G. Kevrekidis, Boris A. Malomed, Uwe Guenther1204.5560 (Chandra M. Natarajan et al.)
Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors: physics and
applications [PDF]
Chandra M. Natarajan, Michael G. Tanner, Robert H. Hadfield
1204.5588 (Malte C. Tichy et al.)
Many-particle interference beyond many-boson and many-fermion statistics [PDF]
Malte C. Tichy, Markus Tiersch, Florian Mintert, Andreas Buchleitner1204.5589 (Antonella De Pasquale et al.)
Quantifying the noise of a quantum channel by noise addition [PDF]
Antonella De Pasquale, Vittorio Giovannetti1204.5598 (Tom Bienaime et al.)
Cooperativity in light scattering by cold atoms [PDF]
Tom Bienaime, Romain Bachelard, Nicola Piovella, Robin Kaiser1204.5708 (Gábor Hofer-Szabó et al.)
Bell inequality and common causal explanation in algebraic quantum field
theory [PDF]
Gábor Hofer-Szabó, Péter Vecsernyés
1204.5713 (S. Zippilli et al.)
Scale-free entanglement replication in driven-dissipative many body
systems [PDF]
S. Zippilli, M. Paternostro, G. Adesso, F. Illuminati
1204.5735 (Matthias Ohliger et al.)
Efficient and feasible state tomography of quantum many-body systems [PDF]
Matthias Ohliger, Vincent Nesme, Jens EisertWednesday, April 25, 2012
0907.0176 (Jin-Shi Xu et al.)
Experimental violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality under decoherence [PDF]
Jin-Shi Xu, Chuan-Feng Li, Xu-Bo Zou, Guang-Can Guo1106.2841 (Susana F. Huelga et al.)
Non-Markovianity assisted Steady State Entanglement [PDF]
Susana F. Huelga, Ángel Rivas, Martin B. Plenio1111.3965 (J. Eisert et al.)
Quantum measurement occurrence is undecidable [PDF]
J. Eisert, M. P. Mueller, C. Gogolin1111.4006 (E. S. Gómez et al.)
Quantifying the non-Gaussianity of the state of spatially correlated
down-converted photons [PDF]
E. S. Gómez, W. A. T. Nogueira, C. H. Monken, G. Lima
1204.5170 (Łukasz Rudnicki et al.)
Optimal Uncertainty Relations for Extremely Coarse-grained Measurements [PDF]
Łukasz Rudnicki, Stephen P. Walborn, Fabricio Toscano1204.5183 (Manuel Endres et al.)
The `Higgs' Amplitude Mode at the Two-Dimensional Superfluid-Mott
Insulator Transition [PDF]
Manuel Endres, Takeshi Fukuhara, David Pekker, Marc Cheneau, Peter Schauß, Christian Gross, Eugene Demler, Stefan Kuhr, Immanuel Bloch
1204.5206 (Dmitry Solenov et al.)
Fast Two-Qubit Gates in Semiconductor Quantum Dots using a Photonic
Microcavity [PDF]
Dmitry Solenov, Sophia E. Economou, T. L. Reinecke
1204.5209 (Carlos A. Pérez-Delgado et al.)
Cramér-Rao Bounds for Classical and Quantum Imaging [PDF]
Carlos A. Pérez-Delgado, Mark E. Pearce, Pieter Kok1204.5223 (Dong Sheng et al.)
Sensitivity test of a blue-detuned dipole trap designed for parity
non-conservation measurements in Fr [PDF]
Dong Sheng, Jiehang Zhang, Luis A. Orozco
1204.5231 (A. Ibort et al.)
A pedagogical presentation of a $C^\star$-algebraic approach to quantum
tomography [PDF]
A. Ibort, V. I. Manko, G. Marmo, A. Simoni, F. Ventriglia
1204.5235 (Kimball A. Milton et al.)
PT-Symmetric Quantum Electrodynamics and Unitarity [PDF]
Kimball A. Milton, E. K. Abalo, Prachi Parashar, Nima Pourtolami, J. Wagner1204.5256 (D. De Munshi et al.)
Berry Phase Generation and Measurement in a Single Trapped Ion [PDF]
D. De Munshi, M. Mukherjee, B. Dutta-Roy1204.5265 (Yimin Wang et al.)
State-dependent atomic excitation by multi-photon pulses propagating
along two spatial modes [PDF]
Yimin Wang, Jiří Minář, Valerio Scarani
1204.5283 (Dariusz Chruściński et al.)
Indecomposable optimal entanglement witnesses in C4 {\otimes} C4 [PDF]
Dariusz Chruściński, Filip A. Wudarski1204.5304 (Jian-Shun Tang et al.)
Revisiting Bohr's principle of complementarity using a quantum device [PDF]
Jian-Shun Tang, Yu-Long Li, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo1204.5329 (Philipp Hyllus et al.)
Entanglement and Extreme Spin Squeezing for a Fluctuating Number of
Indistinguishable Particles [PDF]
Philipp Hyllus, Luca Pezze, Augusto Smerzi, Geza Toth
1204.5330 (Fabian Steinlechner et al.)
A high-brightness source of polarization-entangled photons optimized for
applications in free space [PDF]
Fabian Steinlechner, Pavel Trojek, Marc Jofre, Henning Weier, Daniel Perez, Thomas Jennewein, Rupert Ursin, John Rarity, Morgan W. Mitchell, Juan P. Torres, Harald Weinfurter, Valerio Pruneri
1204.5353 (Sophie Pelisson et al.)
Dynamical aspects of atom interferometry in an optical lattice in
proximity of a surface [PDF]
Sophie Pelisson, Riccardo Messina, Marie-Christine Angonin, Peter Wolf
1204.5391 (R. N. Costa Filho et al.)
Morse potential derived from first principles [PDF]
R. N. Costa Filho, G. Alencar, B. -S. Skagerstam, J. S. Andrade Jr1204.5439 (A. Alvermann et al.)
Collapse-revival dynamics and atom-field entanglement in the
non-resonant Dicke model [PDF]
A. Alvermann, L. Bakemeier, H. Fehske
1204.5450 (A. V. Sharypov et al.)
Parametric four-wave mixing toolbox for superconducting resonators [PDF]
A. V. Sharypov, Xiuhao Deng, Lin TianTuesday, April 24, 2012
1012.0361 (Chuan-Feng Li et al.)
Experimental investigation of the entanglement-assisted entropic
uncertainty principle [PDF]
Chuan-Feng Li, Jin-Shi Xu, Xiao-Ye Xu, Ke Li, Guang-Can Guo
1104.3381 (Keiichi Nagao et al.)
Formulation of Complex Action Theory [PDF]
Keiichi Nagao, Holger Bech Nielsen1104.3787 (Hans J. Briegel et al.)
Projective simulation for classical and quantum learning agents [PDF]
Hans J. Briegel, Gemma De las Cuevas1110.3060 (Eran Kot et al.)
Breakdown of the classical description of a local system [PDF]
Eran Kot, Niels Grønbech-Jensen, Bo M. Nielsen, Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen, Eugene S. Polzik, Anders S. Sørensen1110.3946 (Jerome Blackman et al.)
Why Probability appears in Quantum Mechanics [PDF]
Jerome Blackman, Wu-Teh Hsiang1112.3377 (Christian Tomás Schmiegelow et al.)
Light with orbital angular momentum interacting with trapped ions [PDF]
Christian Tomás Schmiegelow, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler1201.2316 (Alexander I. Nesterov et al.)
Modeling of Low and High Frequency Noise by Slow and Fast Fluctuators [PDF]
Alexander I. Nesterov, Gennady P. Berman1201.4783 (C. D. Fosco et al.)
An improved proximity force approximation for electrostatics [PDF]
C. D. Fosco, F. C. Lombardo, F. D. Mazzitelli1204.4721 (Simon Jesenko et al.)
Optimal number of pigments in photosynthetic complexes [PDF]
Simon Jesenko, Marko Znidaric1204.4728 (F. F. Assaad et al.)
Quantum Spin Models from Flux Tubes in Correlated Topological Insulators [PDF]
F. F. Assaad, M. Bercx, M. Hohenadler1204.4732 (Xuedong Hu et al.)
Spin-Photon Coupling in a Double Quantum Dot [PDF]
Xuedong Hu, Yu-xi Liu, Franco Nori1204.4796 (Amitabha Chakrabarti et al.)
New classes of spin chains from $(S\hat{O}_{(q)}(N)$,
$S\hat{p}_{(q)}(N))$ Temperley-Lieb algebras: Data transmission and (q, N)
parametrized entanglement entropies [PDF]
Amitabha Chakrabarti, Anirban Chakraborti, Esteban Guevara Hidalgo
1204.4802 (Simon A. Gardiner et al.)
Tunneling of the 3rd Kind: A Test of the Effective Non-locality of
Quantum Field Theory [PDF]
Simon A. Gardiner, Holger Gies, Joerg Jaeckel, Chris J. Wallace
1204.4830 (Dariusz Chruściński et al.)
Geometry of entanglement witnesses parameterized by SO(3) group [PDF]
Dariusz Chruściński, Filip A. Wudarski1204.4851 (Kebei Jiang et al.)
Strategies for choosing path-entangled number states for optimal robust
quantum optical metrology in the presence of loss [PDF]
Kebei Jiang, Chase J. Brignac, Yi Weng, Moochan B. Kim, Hwang Lee, Jonathan P. Dowling
1204.4882 (A. P. Micolich et al.)
Is it the boundaries or disorder that dominates electron transport in
semiconductor `billiards'? [PDF]
A. P. Micolich, A. M. See, B. C. Scannell, C. A. Marlow, T. P. Martin, I. Pilgrim, A. R. Hamilton, H. Linke, R. P. Taylor
1204.4887 (Mehdi Abdi et al.)
Entanglement swapping with local certification: Application to remote
micromechanical resonators [PDF]
Mehdi Abdi, Stefano Pirandola, Paolo Tombesi, David Vitali
1204.4898 (P. Siyushev et al.)
Low Temperature Studies of Charge Dynamics of Nitrogen-Vacancy Defect in
Diamond [PDF]
P. Siyushev, H. Pinto, A. Gali, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup
1204.4899 (M. Paternostro et al.)
Driven optomechanical systems for mechanical entanglement distribution [PDF]
M. Paternostro, L. Mazzola, Jie Li1204.4918 (Eduardo Martin-Martinez et al.)
Cosmological quantum entanglement [PDF]
Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Nicolas C. Menicucci1204.4922 (Erman Engin et al.)
Photon Pair Generation in Silicon Micro-Ring Resonator and Enhancement
via Reverse Bias [PDF]
Erman Engin, Damien Bonneau, Chandra M. Natarajan, Alex Clark, M. G. Tanner, R. H. Hadfield, Sanders N. Dorenbos, Val Zwiller, Kazuya Ohira, Nobuo Suzuki, Haruhiko Yoshida, Norio Iizuka, Mizunori Ezaki, Jeremy L. O'Brien, Mark G. Thompson
1204.4950 (Hirokazu Kobayashi et al.)
Helical mode conversion using conical reflector [PDF]
Hirokazu Kobayashi, Koji Nonaka, Masao Kitano1204.4994 (Elke Neu et al.)
Electronic transitions of single silicon vacancy centers in the
near-infrared spectral region [PDF]
Elke Neu, Roland Albrecht, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Christoph Becher
1204.5004 (D. Gandolfi et al.)
Compact RF resonator for cryogenic ion traps [PDF]
D. Gandolfi, M. Niedermayr, M. Kumph, M. Brownnutt, R. Blatt1204.5069 (Bing-Nan Lu et al.)
The pseudospin symmetry in single particle resonant states [PDF]
Bing-Nan Lu, En-Guang Zhao, Shan-Gui Zhou1204.5080 (Alexander Müller-Hermes et al.)
Tensor network techniques for the computation of dynamical observables
in 1D quantum spin systems [PDF]
Alexander Müller-Hermes, J. Ignacio Cirac, Mari Carmen Bañuls
1204.5084 (Angelo Russomanno et al.)
Synchronization and interference in a periodically driven quantum spin
chain [PDF]
Angelo Russomanno, Alessandro Silva, Giuseppe E. Santoro
1204.5087 (Pierre-Louis Giscard et al.)
The walk-sum method for simulating quantum many-body systems [PDF]
Pierre-Louis Giscard, Martin Kiffner, Dieter Jaksch1204.5144 (Markus Johansson et al.)
Robustness of non-adiabatic holonomic gates [PDF]
Markus Johansson, Erik Sjöqvist, L. Mauritz Andersson, Marie Ericsson, Björn Hessmo, Kuldip Singh, D. M. TongMonday, April 23, 2012
1105.0094 (Felipe Robledo-Padilla et al.)
Entangled spinning particles in charged and rotating black holes [PDF]
Felipe Robledo-Padilla, Hugo Garcia-Compean1109.3894 (B. J. Falaye et al.)
Exact Solution of Schrödinger Equation for Three Physical Potentials
Using Nikiforov-Uvarov Method [PDF]
B. J. Falaye, K. J. Oyewumi, M. Abbas
1109.4310 (Dominic C. Wadkin-Snaith et al.)
Quantum gray solitons in confining potentials [PDF]
Dominic C. Wadkin-Snaith, Dimitri M. Gangardt1110.3004 (Wenxin Ding et al.)
Entanglement Entropy of Fermi Liquids via Multi-dimensional Bosonization [PDF]
Wenxin Ding, Alexander Seidel, Kun Yang1111.3493 (T. R. Routray et al.)
Proton radioactivity half lives with Skyrme interactions [PDF]
T. R. Routray, Abhishek Mishra, S. K. Tripathy, B. Behera, D. N. Basu1201.1718 (Matthias U. Staudt et al.)
Coupling of an erbium spin ensemble to a superconducting resonator [PDF]
Matthias U. Staudt, Io-Chun Hoi, Philip Krantz, Martin Sandberg, Michael Simoen, Pavel Bushev, Nicolas Sangouard, Mikael Afzelius, Vitaly S. Shumeiko, Göran Johansson, Per Delsing, C. M. Wilson1204.4326 (Vasily V. Klimov et al.)
Mapping of focused Laguerre-Gauss beams: The interplay between spin and
orbital angular momentum and its dependence on detector characteristics [PDF]
Vasily V. Klimov, Daniel Bloch, Martial Ducloy, Jose Roberto Rios Leite
1204.4461 (Junghyo Nah et al.)
Quantum Size Effects on the Chemical Sensing Performance of
Two-Dimensional Semiconductors [PDF]
Junghyo Nah, S. Bala Kumar, Hui Fang, Yu-Ze Chen, Elena Plis, Yu-Lun Chueh, Sanjay Krishna, Jing Guo, Ali Javey
1204.4490 (Frank Schlawin et al.)
Manipulation of two-photon fluorescence spectra of chromophore
aggregates with entangled photons [PDF]
Frank Schlawin, Konstantin Dorfman, Benjamin P. Fingerhut, Shaul Mukamel
1204.4559 (F. T. Arecchi et al.)
Violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality in cognitive processes [PDF]
F. T. Arecchi, A. Farini, N. Megna1204.4564 (Jérôme Javelle et al.)
On the Minimum Degree up to Local Complementation: Bounds and Complexity [PDF]
Jérôme Javelle, Mehdi Mhalla, Simon Perdrix1204.4570 (Xiaotong Ni et al.)
Commuting quantum circuits: efficient classical simulations versus
hardness results [PDF]
Xiaotong Ni, Maarten Van den Nest
1204.4573 (Chitra Shukla et al.)
Improved protocols of secure quantum communication using W states [PDF]
Chitra Shukla, Anindita Banerjee, Anirban Pathak1204.4594 (Tommaso Lunghi et al.)
Free Running Single Photon Detection based on a negative feedback InGaAs
Tommaso Lunghi, Claudio Barreiro, Olivier Guinnard, Raphael Houlmann, Xudong Jiang, Mark A. Itzler, Hugo Zbinden
1204.4596 (Gabor Ivanyos et al.)
New bounds on the classical and quantum communication complexity of some
graph properties [PDF]
Gabor Ivanyos, Hartmut Klauck, Troy Lee, Miklos Santha, Ronald de Wolf
1204.4604 (Anika C. Pflanzer et al.)
Master equation approach to optomechanics with arbitrary dielectrics [PDF]
Anika C. Pflanzer, Oriol Romero-Isart, J. Ignacio Cirac1204.4619 (Hartmut Klauck et al.)
Fooling One-Sided Quantum Protocols [PDF]
Hartmut Klauck, Ronald de Wolf1204.4622 (Peter Høyer et al.)
Quantum Nonlocal Boxes Exhibit Stronger Distillability [PDF]
Peter Høyer, Jibran Rashid1204.4629 (Amit Bhar et al.)
Character of superposed states under deterministic LOCC [PDF]
Amit Bhar, Ajoy Sen, Debasis Sarkar1204.4634 (M. Tiersch et al.)
Open Quantum System Approach to the Modeling of Spin Recombination
Reactions [PDF]
M. Tiersch, U. E. Steiner, S. Popescu, H. J. Briegel
1204.4638 (Hai-Bo Wang et al.)
Two-Photon Airy Disk [PDF]
Hai-Bo Wang, Xin-Bing Song, De-Qin Xu, Jun Xiong, Xiangdong Zhang, Kaige Wang1204.4676 (S. S. Kim et al.)
Nuclear Spin Relaxation of Very Dilute 3He impurities in Solid 4He [PDF]
S. S. Kim, C. Huan, L. Yin, J. S. Xia, D. Candela, N. S. Sullivan1204.4682 (M. D. Lee et al.)
Bragg spectroscopic interferometer and quantum measurement-induced
correlations in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates [PDF]
M. D. Lee, S. Rist, J Ruostekoski
1204.4691 (Richard Cleve et al.)
Reconstructing Strings from Substrings with Quantum Queries [PDF]
Richard Cleve, Kazuo Iwama, François Le Gall, Harumichi Nishimura, Seiichiro Tani, Junichi Teruyama, Shigeru Yamashita1204.4698 (Colin Greenshields et al.)
Faraday Rotation for Electron Beams Composed of Vortex Modes [PDF]
Colin Greenshields, Robert Stamps, Sonja Franke-ArnoldSunday, April 22, 2012
0911.1493 (Lin Chen et al.)
Geometric measure of entanglement for pure multipartite states [PDF]
Lin Chen, Aimin Xu, Huangjun ZhuFriday, April 20, 2012
1104.2552 (K. R. Brown et al.)
Single-qubit-gate error below 10^-4 in a trapped ion [PDF]
K. R. Brown, A. C. Wilson, Y. Colombe, C. Ospelkaus, A. M. Meier, E. Knill, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland1105.3566 (Nadja K. Bernardes et al.)
Hybrid quantum repeater with encoding [PDF]
Nadja K. Bernardes, Peter van Loock1106.2486 (Marco Túlio Quintino et al.)
Maximal CHSH violations with low efficiency photodetection and homodyne
measurements [PDF]
Marco Túlio Quintino, Mateus Araújo, Daniel Cavalcanti, Marcelo França Santos, Marcelo Terra Cunha
1107.5519 (Laurent Olislager et al.)
Implementing two-photon interference in the frequency domain with
electro-optic phase modulators [PDF]
Laurent Olislager, Ismaël Mbodji, Erik Woodhead, Johann Cussey, Luca Furfaro, Philippe Emplit, Serge Massar, Kien Phan Huy, Jean-Marc Merolla
1110.0069 (Howard M. Wiseman et al.)
Are dynamical quantum jumps detector-dependent? [PDF]
Howard M. Wiseman, Jay M. Gambetta1110.4171 (U. D. Jentschura et al.)
Pseudo-Hermitian Quantum Dynamics of Tachyonic Spin-1/2 Particles [PDF]
U. D. Jentschura, B. J. Wundt1201.2225 (Marcin Zwierz et al.)
Ultimate limits to quantum metrology and the meaning of the Heisenberg
limit [PDF]
Marcin Zwierz, Carlos A. Pérez-Delgado, Pieter Kok
1204.4215 (Zilong Chen et al.)
A low phase noise microwave source for atomic spin squeezing experiments
in 87Rb [PDF]
Zilong Chen, Justin G. Bohnet, Joshua M. Weiner, James K. Thompson
1204.4221 (Adam M. Meier et al.)
Magic-state distillation with the four-qubit code [PDF]
Adam M. Meier, Bryan Eastin, Emanuel Knill1204.4223 (Yixuan Xie et al.)
Improved Quantum LDPC Decoding Strategies For The Misidentified Quantum
Depolarizing Channel [PDF]
Yixuan Xie, Jun Li, Robert Malaney, Jinhong Yuan
1204.4255 (Graham R. Dennis et al.)
XMDS2: Fast, scalable simulation of coupled stochastic partial
differential equations [PDF]
Graham R. Dennis, Joseph J. Hope, Mattias T. Johnsson
1204.4288 (Miklós Rédei et al.)
Distinguishing Causality Principles [PDF]
Miklós Rédei, Iñaki San Pedro1204.4317 (Shenglong Hu et al.)
Geometric measure of entanglement of multipartite mixed states [PDF]
Shenglong Hu, Liqun Qi, Yisheng Song, Guofeng Zhang1204.4325 (Angelo Bassi et al.)
Models of Wave-function Collapse, Underlying Theories, and Experimental
Tests [PDF]
Angelo Bassi, Kinjalk Lochan, Seema Satin, Tejinder P. Singh, Hendrik Ulbricht
1204.4354 (Xiaorun Zang et al.)
Magic wavelengths for lattice trapped Rubidium four-level active optical
clock [PDF]
Xiaorun Zang, Tonggang Zhang, Jingbiao Chen
1204.4379 (Matthias Christandl et al.)
Computing Multiplicities of Lie Group Representations [PDF]
Matthias Christandl, Brent Doran, Michael Walter1204.4385 (Tonggang Zhang et al.)
Active optical clock based on four-level quantum system [PDF]
Tonggang Zhang, Yanfei Wang, Xiaorun Zang, Wei Zhuang, Jingbiao Chen1204.4394 (Igor Boettcher et al.)
Ultracold atoms and the Functional Renormalization Group [PDF]
Igor Boettcher, Jan M. Pawlowski, Sebastian DiehlThursday, April 19, 2012
1102.5710 (Alessandro Ferraro et al.)
Intensive temperature and quantum correlations for refined quantum
measurements [PDF]
Alessandro Ferraro, Artur Garcia-Saez, Antonio Acin
1104.3883 (Markus Tiersch et al.)
A critical view on transport and entanglement in models of
photosynthesis [PDF]
Markus Tiersch, Sandu Popescu, Hans J. Briegel
1105.2358 (Matthew D. Grace et al.)
Optimized pulses for the control of uncertain qubits [PDF]
Matthew D. Grace, Jason Dominy, Wayne M. Witzel, Malcolm S. Carroll1111.0788 (Michael J. W. Hall et al.)
Universality of the Heisenberg limit for estimates of random phase
shifts [PDF]
Michael J. W. Hall, Dominic W. Berry, Marcin Zwierz, Howard M. Wiseman
1204.3912 (S. M. Hashemi rafsanjani et al.)
X-matrices provide a lower bound of concurrence [PDF]
S. M. Hashemi rafsanjani, S. Agarwal1204.3934 (B. Pirvu et al.)
Matrix product states for critical spin chains: finite size scaling
versus finite entanglement scaling [PDF]
B. Pirvu, G. Vidal, F. Verstraete, L. Tagliacozzo
1204.3967 (Travis Horrom et al.)
All-atomic generation and noise-quadrature filtering of squeezed vacuum
in hot Rb vapor [PDF]
Travis Horrom, Gleb Romanov, Irina Novikova, Eugeniy E. Mikhailov
1204.3974 (Feng Mei et al.)
Creation, manipulation and detection of Majorana fermions with cold
atoms in optical lattice [PDF]
Feng Mei, Chuan-Jia Shan, Xun-Li Feng, Shi-Liang Zhu, Zhi-Ming Zhang, L. C. Kwek, D. Wilkowski, C. H. Oh
1204.3981 (Daniel B. Higginbottom et al.)
Spatial mode storage in a gradient echo memory [PDF]
Daniel B. Higginbottom, Ben M. Sparkes, Milos Rancic, Olivier Pinel, Mahdi Hosseini, Ping Koy Lam, Ben C. Buchler1204.3986 (Mizal Alobaidi et al.)
Towards the Notion of an Abstract Quantum Automaton [PDF]
Mizal Alobaidi, Andriy Batyiv, Grygoriy Zholtkevych1204.4005 (S. Shojaei et al.)
Electric Field effects on quantum correlations in semiconductor quantum
dots [PDF]
S. Shojaei, M. Mahdian, R. Yosefjani
1204.4011 (M. Mahdian et al.)
Correlation dynamics of three spin under a classical dephasing
environment [PDF]
M. Mahdian, R. Yousefjani, S. Salimi
1204.4029 (Denis Kast et al.)
Persistence of coherent quantum dynamics at strong dissipation [PDF]
Denis Kast, Joachim Ankerhold1204.4053 (Simone De Liberato et al.)
Terahertz inversionless lasing from a cavity-embedded two-dimensional
electron gas in asymmetric quantum wells [PDF]
Simone De Liberato, Cristiano Ciuti, Chris C. Phillips
1204.4059 (Tova Feldmann et al.)
Short Time Cycles of Purely Quantum Refrigerators [PDF]
Tova Feldmann, Ronnie Kosloff1204.4081 (Tsubasa Ichikawa et al.)
Equation of State for One-Dimensional Attractive δ-Bose Gas in Weak
Coupling Regime [PDF]
Tsubasa Ichikawa, Izumi Tsutsui, Nobuhiro Yonezawa
1204.4102 (Bernd Lücke et al.)
Twin matter waves for interferometry beyond the classical limit [PDF]
Bernd Lücke, Manuel Scherer, Jens Kruse, Luca Pezzé, Frank Deuretzbacher, Phillip Hyllus, Oliver Topic, Jan Peise, Wolfgang Ertmer, Jan Arlt, Luis Santos, Augusto Smerzi, Carsten Klempt1204.4124 (Tomislav Prokopec et al.)
The Gaussian entropy of fermionic systems [PDF]
Tomislav Prokopec, Michael G. Schmidt, Jan Weenink1204.4147 (S. Charles Doret et al.)
Controlling trapping potentials and stray electric fields in a
microfabricated ion trap through design and compensation [PDF]
S. Charles Doret, Jason M. Amini, Kenneth Wright, Curtis Volin, Tyler Killian, Arkadas Ozakin, Douglas Denison, Harley Hayden, C. -S. Pai, Richart E. Slusher, Alexa W. Harter
1204.4149 (Raul A. Santos et al.)
Quantum phase transition in a multicomponent anyonic Lieb-Liniger model [PDF]
Raul A. Santos, Francis N. C. Paraan, Vladimir E. Korepin1204.4160 (Igor R. Klebanov et al.)
On Shape Dependence and RG Flow of Entanglement Entropy [PDF]
Igor R. Klebanov, Tatsuma Nishioka, Silviu S. Pufu, Benjamin R. Safdi1204.4170 (Luiz Victorio Belvedere et al.)
Quantum Field Lagrangian model for charge density waves in
one-dimensional systems at finite temperature : A Thermofield Dynamics
Approach [PDF]
Luiz Victorio Belvedere, Rubens Gurgel Amaral, Armando Flavio Rodrigues
1204.4171 (Daniel Cocks et al.)
Interaction effects in the spinful time-reversal invariant Hofstadter
problem [PDF]
Daniel Cocks, Peter P. Orth, Stephan Rachel, Michael Buchhold, Karyn Le Hur, Walter Hofstetter
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
0902.1684 (Malte Christopher Tichy et al.)
Entanglement of Identical Particles and the Detection Process [PDF]
Malte Christopher Tichy, Fernando de Melo, Marek Kuś, Florian Mintert, Andreas Buchleitner1110.2232 (Yudong Cao et al.)
Quantum Circuit Design for Solving Linear Systems of Equations [PDF]
Yudong Cao, Anmer Daskin, Steven Frankel, Sabre Kais1110.3139 (Qing Xie et al.)
Testing quantum entanglement with local measurement [PDF]
Qing Xie, X. -X. Wu, X. -M. Ding, W. -L. Yang, R. -H. Yue, H. Fan1110.6120 (Li-Jun Lang et al.)
Edge states and topological phases in one-dimensional optical
superlattices [PDF]
Li-Jun Lang, Xiaoming Cai, Shu Chen
1112.0543 (Patrick J. Coles et al.)
Uncertainty relations from simple entropic properties [PDF]
Patrick J. Coles, Roger Colbeck, Li Yu, Michael Zwolak1204.3644 (Tobias Moroder et al.)
Detection of systematic errors in quantum experiments [PDF]
Tobias Moroder, Matthias Kleinmann, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Otfried Gühne, Rainer Blatt1204.3653 (F. Shähandeh et al.)
s-Parameterized Fock Space Projectors Gained via General Ordering
Theorem [PDF]
F. Shähandeh, M. R. Bazrafkan M. Ashrafi
1204.3657 (F. Shähandeh et al.)
Deriving Some Quantum Optical Identities Using the General Ordering
Theorem [PDF]
F. Shähandeh, M. R. Bazrafkan, E. Nahvifard
1204.3668 (Qing-Hu Chen et al.)
Exact solution to the quantum Rabi model within Bogoliubov operators [PDF]
Qing-Hu Chen, Chen Wang, Ke-Lin Wang1204.3681 (H. Tracy Hall et al.)
Locality for quantum systems on graphs depends on the number field [PDF]
H. Tracy Hall, Simone Severini1204.3692 (Vittorio Giovannetti et al.)
Probing Cooper Pairs with Franson Interferometry [PDF]
Vittorio Giovannetti, Kazuya Yuasa1204.3741 (Adan Cabello et al.)
Tight inequalities for qutrit state-independent contextuality [PDF]
Adan Cabello, Costantino Budroni, Otfried Gühne, Matthias Kleinmann, Jan-Ake Larsson1204.3746 (F. Benatti et al.)
Entanglement robustness and geometry in systems of identical particles [PDF]
F. Benatti, R. Floreanini, U. Marzolino1204.3766 (Hillel Tal-Ezer et al.)
New, Highly Accurate Propagator for the Linear and Nonlinear
Schrödinger Equation [PDF]
Hillel Tal-Ezer, Ronnie Kosloff, Ido Schaefer
1204.3777 (Malte C. Tichy et al.)
Quantum statistical synchronization of non-interacting particles [PDF]
Malte C. Tichy, Markus Tiersch, Fernando de Melo, Florian Mintert, Andreas Buchleitner1204.3782 (F. Shähandeh et al.)
An Explanation For Non-classicality of States [PDF]
F. Shähandeh, M. R. Bazrafkan1204.3793 (Gabrielle Denhez et al.)
Quantum error correction benchmarks for continuous weak parity
measurements [PDF]
Gabrielle Denhez, Alexandre Blais, David Poulin
1204.3803 (Arun Kumar Pati et al.)
Classical Correlations can beat the Uncertainty in the Presence of
Quantum Memory [PDF]
Arun Kumar Pati, A. R. Usha Devi, A. K. Rajagopal, Sudha
1204.3829 (Basile Grandjean et al.)
Bell inequalities for three systems and arbitrarily many measurement
outcomes [PDF]
Basile Grandjean, Yeong-Cherng Liang, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Nicolas Brunner, Nicolas Gisin
1204.3835 (Manik Banik et al.)
Optimal free-will on one side in reproducing the singlet correlation [PDF]
Manik Banik, MD Rajjak Gazi, Subhadipa Das, Ashutosh Rai, Samir KunkriTuesday, April 17, 2012
1103.3823 (Alireza Shabani et al.)
Efficient estimation of energy transfer efficiency in light-harvesting
complexes [PDF]
Alireza Shabani, Masoud Mohseni, Herschel Rabitz, Seth Lloyd
1107.3304 (George Thomas et al.)
Expected Behavior of Quantum Thermodynamic Machines with Prior
Information [PDF]
George Thomas, Ramandeep S. Johal
1108.4306 (Francois Le Gall et al.)
On QMA Protocols with Two Short Quantum Proofs [PDF]
Francois Le Gall, Shota Nakagawa, Harumichi Nishimura1201.3757 (Barbara M. Terhal et al.)
From Majorana Fermions to Topological Order [PDF]
Barbara M. Terhal, Fabian Hassler, David P. DiVincenzo1204.3109 (Dariusz Chruściński et al.)
Exposed positive maps in M_4(C) [PDF]
Dariusz Chruściński, Gniewomir Sarbicki1204.3143 (Hoang Lan Dao et al.)
Preparation of an Exponentially Rising Optical Pulse for Efficient
Excitation of Single Atoms in Free Space [PDF]
Hoang Lan Dao, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Gleb Maslennikov, Christian Kurtsiefer
1204.3146 (C. -C. Chang et al.)
Gradient of the Casimir force between Au surfaces of a sphere and a
plate measured using atomic force microscope in a frequency shift technique [PDF]
C. -C. Chang, A. A. Banishev, R. Castillo-Garza, G. L. Klimchitskaya, V. M. Mostepanenko, U. Mohideen
1204.3172 (J. Jeknic-Dugic et al.)
Quantum Structures of the Hydrogen Atom [PDF]
J. Jeknic-Dugic, M. Dugic, A. Francom, M. Arsenijevic1204.3188 (Jukka Kiukas et al.)
Characterization of informational completeness for covariant phase space
observables [PDF]
Jukka Kiukas, Pekka Lahti, Jussi Schultz, Reinhard F. Werner
1204.3268 (G. A. Kazakov et al.)
Performance of a 229 Thorium solid-state nuclear clock [PDF]
G. A. Kazakov, A. N. Litvinov, V. I. Romanenko, L. P. Yatsenko, A. V. Romanenko, M. Schreitl, G. Winkler, T. Schumm1204.3325 (G. L. Celardo et al.)
Interplay of superradiance and disorder in the Anderson Model [PDF]
G. L. Celardo, A. Biella, L. Kaplan, F. Borgonovi1204.3326 (Diego Rainis et al.)
Majorana qubit decoherence by quasiparticle poisoning [PDF]
Diego Rainis, Daniel Loss1204.3344 (Li-Ping Yang et al.)
Franck-Condon Effect in Central Spin System [PDF]
Li-Ping Yang, Yong Li, C. P. Sun1204.3370 (Peter P. Rohde et al.)
Quantum walks with encrypted data [PDF]
Peter P. Rohde, Joseph F. Fitzsimons, Alexei Gilchrist1204.3381 (Zhe Sun et al.)
Photon-assisted Landau-Zener transition: Role of coherent superposition
states [PDF]
Zhe Sun, Jian Ma, Xiaoguang Wang, Franco Nori
1204.3404 (Steven T. Flammia et al.)
Counterexamples to Kalai's Conjecture C [PDF]
Steven T. Flammia, Aram W. Harrow1204.3412 (Paolo Bordone et al.)
Effect of Markov and Non-Markov Classical Noise on Entanglement Dynamics [PDF]
Paolo Bordone, Fabrizio Buscemi, Claudia Benedetti1204.3448 (Gaetana Spedalieri et al.)
Quantum reading under a local energy constraint [PDF]
Gaetana Spedalieri, Cosmo Lupo, Stefano Mancini, Samuel L. Braunstein, Stefano Pirandola1204.3544 (G. Puentes et al.)
Weak measurements with orbital angular momentum pointer states [PDF]
G. Puentes, N. Hermosa, J. P. Torres1204.3555 (Andreas Schreiber et al.)
A 2D Quantum Walk Simulation of Two-Particle Dynamics [PDF]
Andreas Schreiber, Aurel Gabris, Peter P. Rohde, Kaisa Laiho, Martin Stefanak, Vaclav Potocek, Craig Hamilton, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn1204.3570 (Christopher J. Fewster et al.)
Probability distributions for quantum stress tensors in four dimensions [PDF]
Christopher J. Fewster, L. H. Ford, Thomas A. Roman1204.3571 (David Jennings et al.)
Exchange Fluctuation Theorem for correlated quantum systems [PDF]
David Jennings, Terry Rudolph, Yuji Hirono, Shojun Nakayama, Mio Murao1204.3572 (Gennady P. Berman et al.)
A Discrete Two-Dimensional Model of a Loaded Cantilever Influenced by
Time-Dependent Forces [PDF]
Gennady P. Berman, Vyacheslav N. Gorshkov, Vasily V. Kuzmenko, Umar Mohideen
1204.3587 (Jacek Gondzio et al.)
Solving Large-Scale Optimization Problems Related to Bell's Theorem [PDF]
Jacek Gondzio, Jacek Gruca, J. A. Julian Hall, Wiesław Laskowski, Marek Żukowski1204.3594 (E. Torrontegui et al.)
Shortcuts to adiabaticity: fast-forward approach [PDF]
E. Torrontegui, S. Martínez-Garaot, A. Ruschhaupt, J. G. Muga1204.3599 (Sebastian Meznaric et al.)
Tensor Networks for Entanglement Evolution [PDF]
Sebastian Meznaric, Jacob Biamonte1204.3600 (Anmer Daskin et al.)
Universal Programmable Quantum Circuit Schemes to Emulate an Operator [PDF]
Anmer Daskin, Ananth Grama, Giorgos Kollias, Sabre Kais1204.3614 (I. Garcia-Mata et al.)
Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics and Classical Chaos [PDF]
I. Garcia-Mata, C. Pineda, D. A. WisniackiMonday, April 16, 2012
1110.0940 (Sameer M. Ikhdair et al.)
Two approximations to the bound states of Dirac-Hulthen problem [PDF]
Sameer M. Ikhdair, Ramazan Sever1110.5083 (Davide Girolami et al.)
Observable measure of bipartite quantum correlations [PDF]
Davide Girolami, Gerardo Adesso1111.4433 (Maria Kieferova et al.)
Quantum Walks on Necklaces and Mixing [PDF]
Maria Kieferova, Daniel Nagaj1111.4836 (Pasquale Calabrese et al.)
Exact relations between particle fluctuations and entanglement in Fermi
gases [PDF]
Pasquale Calabrese, Mihail Mintchev, Ettore Vicari
1201.5927 (Raul A. Santos et al.)
Entanglement spectra of q-deformed higher spin VBS states [PDF]
Raul A. Santos, Francis N. C. Paraan, Vladimir E. Korepin, Andreas Klümper1204.2834 (Wayne M. Witzel et al.)
Quantum Decoherence of the Central Spin in a Sparse System of Dipolar
Coupled Spins [PDF]
Wayne M. Witzel, Malcolm S. Carroll, Lukasz Cywinski, S. Das Sarma
1204.2858 (Reinaldo de Melo e Souza et al.)
Image method in the calculation of the van der Waals force between an
atom and a conducting surface [PDF]
Reinaldo de Melo e Souza, W. J. M. Kort-Kamp, C. Sigaud, C. Farina
1204.2968 (S. Pradhan et al.)
Non-linear magneto-optic and self polarization rotation by superposition
of states [PDF]
S. Pradhan, A. Kani, Harshawardhan Wanare, R. Behera, A. K. Das
1204.2982 (Samuel Portmann et al.)
The local content of all pure two-qubit states [PDF]
Samuel Portmann, Cyril Branciard, Nicolas Gisin1204.2998 (Gebhard Gruebl et al.)
Reaching Fleming's dicrimination bound [PDF]
Gebhard Gruebl, Laurin Ostermann1204.3000 (Elloá B. Guedes et al.)
Unconditional Security with Decoherence-Free Subspaces [PDF]
Elloá B. Guedes, Francisco M. de Assis1204.3023 (Marek Smaczynski et al.)
Extremal spacings of random unitary matrices [PDF]
Marek Smaczynski, Tomasz Tkocz, Marek Kus, Karol Zyczkowski1204.3056 (Michael Förtsch et al.)
A Versatile Source of Single Photons for Quantum Information Processing [PDF]
Michael Förtsch, Josef Fürst, Christoffer Wittmann, Dmitry Strekalov, Andrea Aiello, Maria V. Chekhova, Christine Silberhorn, Gerd Leuchs, Christoph Marquardt1204.3065 (Pierre Nataf et al.)
Superradiance and Quantum Criticality in the Uncertainty Principle [PDF]
Pierre Nataf, Mehmet Dogan, Karyn Le HurFriday, April 13, 2012
0907.1657 (Hendrik Weimer et al.)
A Rydberg Quantum Simulator [PDF]
Hendrik Weimer, Markus Müller, Igor Lesanovsky, Peter Zoller, Hans Peter Büchler0912.5537 (Charles H. Bennett et al.)
Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem [PDF]
Charles H. Bennett, Igor Devetak, Aram W. Harrow, Peter W. Shor, Andreas Winter1006.3920 (Toshihiko Sasaki et al.)
Outcome Independence of Entanglement in One-Way Computation [PDF]
Toshihiko Sasaki, Tsubasa Ichikawa, Izumi Tsutsui1104.5448 (Shai Machnes et al.)
Pulsed Laser Cooling for Cavity-Optomechanical Resonators [PDF]
Shai Machnes, Javier Cerrillo, Markus Aspelmeyer, Witlef Wieczorek, Martin B. Plenio, Alex Retzker1108.3966 (Arkady Fedorov et al.)
Implementation of a Toffoli Gate with Superconducting Circuits [PDF]
Arkady Fedorov, Lars Steffen, Matthias Baur, Andreas Wallraff1108.5777 (J. G. G. S. Ramos et al.)
Spin Accumulation Encoded in Electronic Noise for Mesoscopic Billiards
with Finite Tunneling Rates [PDF]
J. G. G. S. Ramos, A. L. R. Barbosa, D. Bazeia, M. S. Hussein
1201.2234 (Yukihiro Ota et al.)
Implementing general measurements on linear optical and solid-state
qubits [PDF]
Yukihiro Ota, Sahel Ashhab, Franco Nori
1204.2562 (Rafael Chaves et al.)
Multipartite quantum non-locality under local decoherence [PDF]
Rafael Chaves, Daniel Cavalcanti, Leandro Aolita, Antonio Acín1204.2569 (Chad R. Galley et al.)
Theory of optomechanics: Oscillator-field model of moving mirrors [PDF]
Chad R. Galley, Ryan O. Behunin, B. L. Hu1204.2615 (Jun Suzuki et al.)
Symmetric coupling of four spin-1/2 systems [PDF]
Jun Suzuki, Berthold-Georg Englert1204.2627 (Zhang Xiu-Xing et al.)
Detecting multi-spin interaction of an XY spin chain by geometric phase
of a coupled qubit [PDF]
Zhang Xiu-Xing, Zhang Ai-Ping, Li Fu-Li
1204.2663 (Andrea Chiuri et al.)
Engineering a C-Phase quantum gate: optical design and experimental
realization [PDF]
Andrea Chiuri, Chiara Greganti, Paolo Mataloni
1204.2701 (Ali Mostafazadeh et al.)
Perturbative Analysis of Spectral Singularities and Their Optical
Realizations [PDF]
Ali Mostafazadeh, Saber Rostamzadeh
1204.2738 (Lars S. Madsen et al.)
Experimental Investigation of the Evolution of Gaussian Quantum Discord
in an Open System [PDF]
Lars S. Madsen, Adriano Berni, Mikael Lassen, Ulrik L. Andersen
1204.2750 (Tsubasa Ichikawa et al.)
Minimal and Robust Composite Two-Qubit Gates with Ising-Type Interaction [PDF]
Tsubasa Ichikawa, Utkan Güngördü, Masamitsu Bando, Yasushi Kondo, Mikio Nakahara1204.2770 (Daoling Peng et al.)
Local Relativistic Exact Decoupling [PDF]
Daoling Peng, Markus Reiher1204.2780 (Konstantin Y. Bliokh et al.)
Electron vortex beams in a magnetic field: A new twist on Landau levels
and Aharonov-Bohm states [PDF]
Konstantin Y. Bliokh, Peter Schattschneider, Jo Verbeeck, Franco Nori
1204.2789 (M. Arsenijevic et al.)
Markovian Zero-Discord Classicality for Bipartite Quantum Systems [PDF]
M. Arsenijevic, J. Jeknic-Dugic, M. Dugic1204.2792 (V. Mourik et al.)
Signatures of Majorana fermions in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor
nanowire devices [PDF]
V. Mourik, K. Zuo, S. M. Frolov, S. R. Plissard, E. P. A. M. Bakkers, L. P. Kouwenhoven
1204.2817 (A. M. Gavrilik et al.)
Three-parameter (two-sided) deformation of Heisenberg algebra [PDF]
A. M. Gavrilik, I. I. Kachurik1204.2821 (Vadim N. Smelyanskiy et al.)
A Near-Term Quantum Computing Approach for Hard Computational Problems
in Space Exploration [PDF]
Vadim N. Smelyanskiy, Eleanor G. Rieffel, Sergey I. Knysh, Colin P. Williams, Mark W. Johnson, Murray C. Thom, William G. Macready, Kristen L. Pudenz
Thursday, April 12, 2012
1101.0995 (Felix Eckert et al.)
Weak disorder corrections of the scattering and transport mean free path [PDF]
Felix Eckert, Andreas Buchleitner, Thomas Wellens1108.4964 (A. S. Sanz et al.)
Transmission properties in waveguides: An optical streamline analysis [PDF]
A. S. Sanz, J. Campos-Martinez, S. Miret-Artes1110.5033 (Masaaki Nakamura et al.)
Exactly solvable fermion chain describing a $ν=1/3$ fractional quantum
Hall state [PDF]
Masaaki Nakamura, Zheng-Yuan Wang, Emil J. Bergholtz
1112.3975 (Alp Sipahigil et al.)
Quantum interference of single photons from remote nitrogen-vacancy
centers in diamond [PDF]
Alp Sipahigil, Michael L. Goldman, Emre Togan, Yiwen Chu, Matthew Markham, Daniel J. Twitchen, Alexander S. Zibrov, Alexander Kubanek, Mikhail D. Lukin
1201.3230 (Piotr Zawadzki et al.)
Increasing the security of the ping-pong protocol by using many mutually
unbiased bases [PDF]
Piotr Zawadzki, Zbigniew Puchała, Jarosław Adam Miszczak
1204.2271 (M. Aparicio Alcalde et al.)
Thermal phase transitions for Dicke-type models in the ultra-strong
coupling limit [PDF]
M. Aparicio Alcalde, M. Bucher, C. Emary, T. Brandes
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