Wednesday, February 29, 2012
1001.0017 (Aram Harrow et al.)
Testing product states, quantum Merlin-Arthur games and tensor
Aram Harrow, Ashley Montanaro1005.0005 (Toby S. Cubitt et al.)
Extracting dynamical equations from experimental data is NP-hard [PDF]
Toby S. Cubitt, Jens Eisert, Michael M. Wolf1005.0915 (Cord A. Müller et al.)
Disorder and interference: localization phenomena [PDF]
Cord A. Müller, Dominique Delande1101.5222 (Bernard Silvestre-Brac et al.)
The auxiliary field method in quantum mechanics [PDF]
Bernard Silvestre-Brac, Claude Semay, Fabien Buisseret1103.0945 (Andrey Pototsky et al.)
Relativistic Brownian motion on a graphene chip [PDF]
Andrey Pototsky, Fabio Marchesoni, Feodor V. Kusmartsev, Peter Hänggi, Sergey E. Savel'ev1105.3598 (Leandro Aolita et al.)
Fully nonlocal quantum correlations [PDF]
Leandro Aolita, Rodrigo Gallego, Antonio Acín, Andrea Chiuri, Giuseppe Vallone, Paolo Mataloni, Adán Cabello1109.6666 (H. Falomir et al.)
Graphene and non-Abelian quantization [PDF]
H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, M. Loewe, M. Nieto1110.3588 (S. N. Shevchenko et al.)
Inverse Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg problem for qubit-resonator systems [PDF]
S. N. Shevchenko, S. Ashhab, Franco Nori1111.3776 (Vit Jakubsky et al.)
Supersymmetric twisting of carbon nanotubes [PDF]
Vit Jakubsky, Mikhail S. Plyushchay1201.1418 (Rémy Dubertrand et al.)
Fidelity for kicked atoms with gravity near a quantum resonance [PDF]
Rémy Dubertrand, Italo Guarneri, Sandro Wimberger1201.1696 (Jie-Qiao Liao et al.)
Spectrum of single-photon emission and scattering in cavity
optomechanics [PDF]
Jie-Qiao Liao, H. K. Cheung, C. K. Law
1201.2736 (Hiromichi Nakazato et al.)
A measurement scheme for purity based on two two-body gates [PDF]
Hiromichi Nakazato, Toru Tanaka, Kazuya Yuasa, Giuseppe Florio, Saverio Pascazio1202.5712 (Stéphanie Valleau et al.)
Exciton transport in thin-film cyanine dye J-aggregates [PDF]
Stéphanie Valleau, Semion K. Saikin, Man-Hong Yung, Alán Aspuru-Guzik1202.6337 (Nayeli Zuniga-Hansen et al.)
Effects of Noise, Correlations and errors in the preparation of initial
states in Quantum Simulations [PDF]
Nayeli Zuniga-Hansen, Yu-Chieh Chi, Mark S. Byrd
1202.6096 (B. M. Sparkes et al.)
Precision spectral manipulation: a demonstration using a coherent
optical memory [PDF]
B. M. Sparkes, C. Cairns, M. Hosseini, D. Higginbottom, G. Campbell, P. K. Lam, B. C. Buchler
1202.6100 (S. Singh et al.)
Quantum state transfer between a Bose-Einstein condensate and an
optomechanical mirror [PDF]
S. Singh, H. Jing, E. M. Wright, P. Meystre
1202.6111 (Austin G. Fowler et al.)
Topological code Autotune [PDF]
Austin G. Fowler, Adam C. Whiteside, Angus L. McInnes, Alimohammad Rabbani1202.6145 (Claudia Benedetti et al.)
Quantum correlations in continuos-time quantum walks of two
indistinguishable particles [PDF]
Claudia Benedetti, Fabrizio Buscemi, Paolo Bordone
1202.6195 (Jovica Stanojevic et al.)
Controlling the quantum state of a single photon emitted from a single
polariton [PDF]
Jovica Stanojevic, Valentina Parigi, Erwan Bimbard, Rosa Tualle-Brouri, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, Philippe Grangier
1202.6210 (André Xuereb et al.)
Strong coupling and long-range collective interactions in optomechanical
arrays [PDF]
André Xuereb, Claudiu Genes, Aurélien Dantan
1202.6220 (Valerij S. Gurin et al.)
SAC-CI Calculation of a Series of the Lowest 2-Pi-States of HCl+ and
HBr+ Ions [PDF]
Valerij S. Gurin, Mikhael V. Korolkov, Vitaly E. Matulis
1202.6225 (A. Orefice et al.)
Quantum trajectories and Cushing's historical contingency [PDF]
A. Orefice, R. Giovanelli, D. Ditto1202.6257 (Daniel Nagaj et al.)
Quantum Speedup by Quantum Annealing [PDF]
Daniel Nagaj, Rolando D. Somma, Maria Kieferova1202.6286 (S. K. Lee et al.)
Phase Space Tomography of Matter-Wave Diffraction in the Talbot Regime [PDF]
S. K. Lee, M. S. Kim, C. Szewc, H. Ulbricht1202.6315 (Tomas Rybar et al.)
Simulation of indivisible qubit channels in collision models [PDF]
Tomas Rybar, Sergey N. Filippov, Mario Ziman, Vladimir Buzek1202.6356 (Francesco Intravaia et al.)
Engineering Casimir force reduction through metallic surface
nanostructuring [PDF]
Francesco Intravaia, Stephan Koev, Il Woong Jung, A. Alec Talin, Paul S. Davids, Ricardo S. Decca, Vladimir A. Aksyuk, Diego A. R. Dalvit, Daniel Lopez
1202.6361 (Sylvain Nascimbène et al.)
Experimental realization of plaquette resonating valence bond states
with ultracold atoms in optical superlattices [PDF]
Sylvain Nascimbène, Yu-Ao Chen, Macros Atala, Monika Aidelsburger, Stefan Trotzky, Belén Paredes, Immanuel Bloch
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
0905.1542 (Wei-Bo Gao et al.)
Experimental demonstration of topological error correction [PDF]
Wei-Bo Gao, Austin G. Fowler, Robert Raussendorf, Xing-Can Yao, He Lu, Ping Xu, Chao-Yang Lu, Cheng-Zhi Peng, Youjin Deng, Zeng-Bing Chen, Jian-Wei Pan0906.5445 (Zong-Guo Li et al.)
Maximally entangled state can be a mixed state [PDF]
Zong-Guo Li, Ming-Jing Zhao, Shao-Ming Fei, Heng Fan, W. M. Liu1104.5057 (Fu-Lin Zhang et al.)
Speed of disentanglement in multi-qubit systems under depolarizing
channel [PDF]
Fu-Lin Zhang, Yue Jiang, Mai-Lin Liang
1105.2007 (Alexei Ourjoumtsev et al.)
Observation of squeezed light from one atom excited with two photons [PDF]
Alexei Ourjoumtsev, Alexander Kubanek, Markus Koch, Christian Sames, Pepijn W. H. Pinkse, Gerhard Rempe, Karim Murr1106.1683 (Sarah Mostame et al.)
Quantum simulator of an open quantum system using superconducting
qubits: exciton transport in photosynthetic complexes [PDF]
Sarah Mostame, Patrick Rebentrost, Alexander Eisfeld, Andrew J. Kerman, Dimitris I. Tsomokos, Alán Aspuru-Guzik
1106.5275 (Tillmann Baumgratz et al.)
Lower Bounds for Ground States of Condensed Matter Systems [PDF]
Tillmann Baumgratz, Martin B. Plenio1111.0154 (Tao Liu et al.)
The vacuum induced Berry phase beyond rotating-wave approximation [PDF]
Tao Liu, Mang Feng, K. L. Wang1111.2342 (Yi Zhang et al.)
Quasi-particle Statistics and Braiding from Ground State Entanglement [PDF]
Yi Zhang, Tarun Grover, Ari Turner, Masaki Oshikawa, Ashvin Vishwanath1201.4310 (Richard Schmidt et al.)
Efimov physics beyond universality [PDF]
Richard Schmidt, Steffen Patrick Rath, Wilhelm Zwerger1202.5507 (G. Romero et al.)
Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics with a Superconducting Quantum Point
Contact [PDF]
G. Romero, I. Lizuain, V. S. Shumeiko, E. Solano, F. S. Bergeret
1202.5558 (Peter Barmettler et al.)
Propagation front of correlations in an interacting Bose gas [PDF]
Peter Barmettler, Dario Poletti, Marc Cheneau, Corinna Kollath1202.5589 (Wolfgang Zeller et al.)
Spectra and ground states of one- and two-dimensional laser-driven
lattices of ultracold Rydberg atoms [PDF]
Wolfgang Zeller, Michael Mayle, Thorsten Bonato, Gerhard Reinelt, Peter Schmelcher
1202.5602 (Austin G. Fowler et al.)
Towards practical classical processing for the surface code: timing
analysis [PDF]
Austin G. Fowler, Adam C. Whiteside, Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
1202.5642 (Y. Kopelevich et al.)
Extraordinary magnetoresistance in graphite: experimental evidence for
the time-reversal symmetry breaking [PDF]
Y. Kopelevich, R. R. da Silva, A. S. Alexandrov
1202.5672 (J. Shen et al.)
Observation of a rotational transition in trapped and sympathetically
cooled molecular ions [PDF]
J. Shen, A. Borodin, M. Hansen, S. Schiller
1202.5679 (Magnus O. Borgh et al.)
Topological interface engineering and defect crossing in ultracold
atomic gases [PDF]
Magnus O. Borgh, Janne Ruostekoski
1202.5707 (Erik Lucero et al.)
Computing prime factors with a Josephson phase qubit quantum processor [PDF]
Erik Lucero, Rami Barends, Yu Chen, Julian Kelly, Matteo Mariantoni, Anthony Megrant, Peter O'Malley, Daniel Sank, Amit Vainsencher, James Wenner, Ted White, Yi Yin, Andrew N. Cleland, John M. Martinis1202.5719 (Tao Liu et al.)
Parity breaking and scaling behavior in the spin-boson model [PDF]
Tao Liu, Mang Feng, Lei Li, Wanli Yang, Kelin Wang1202.5752 (Q. Y. He et al.)
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement in two-well BEC systems: ground
states [PDF]
Q. Y. He, P. D. Drummond, M. D. Reid
1202.5757 (A. A. Deriglazov et al.)
Non-Grassmann mechanical model of the Dirac equation [PDF]
A. A. Deriglazov, B. F. Rizzuti, G. P. Z. Chauca, P. S. Castro1202.5779 (Daniel Oi et al.)
Quantum system characterization with limited resources [PDF]
Daniel Oi, Sophie Schirmer1202.5822 (Andrew M. Childs et al.)
Hamiltonian Simulation Using Linear Combinations of Unitary Operations [PDF]
Andrew M. Childs, Nathan Wiebe1202.5839 (Jiahao Chen et al.)
Error analysis of free probability approximations to the density of
states of disordered systems [PDF]
Jiahao Chen, Eric Hontz, Jeremy Moix, Matthew Welborn, Troy Van Voorhis, Alberto Suárez, Ramis Movassagh, Alan Edelman
1202.5872 (S. Ashhab et al.)
Speed limits for quantum gates in multi-qubit systems [PDF]
S. Ashhab, P. C. de Groot, Franco Nori1202.5934 (Ł. Pawela et al.)
Quantum Prisoner's Dilemma game on hypergraph networks [PDF]
Ł. Pawela, J. Sładkowski1202.5955 (Stephan Ritter et al.)
An Elementary Quantum Network of Single Atoms in Optical Cavities [PDF]
Stephan Ritter, Christian Nölleke, Carolin Hahn, Andreas Reiserer, Andreas Neuzner, Manuel Uphoff, Martin Mücke, Eden Figueroa, Jörg Bochmann, Gerhard RempeMonday, February 27, 2012
1104.5665 (Simon Rips et al.)
Steady-state negative Wigner functions of nonlinear nanomechanical
oscillators [PDF]
Simon Rips, Martin Kiffner, Ignacio Wilson-Rae, Michael J. Hartmann
1201.1256 (Victor Veitch et al.)
Negative Quasi-Probability Representation is a Necessary Resource for
Magic State Distillation [PDF]
Victor Veitch, Christopher Ferrie, Joseph Emerson
1201.4097 (Christoph Clausen et al.)
Quantum storage of polarization qubits in birefringent and
anisotropically absorbing materials [PDF]
Christoph Clausen, Felix Bussieres, Mikael Afzelius, Nicolas Gisin
1202.5102 (Cyrille Heriveaux et al.)
Recovering the Hamiltonian from spectral data [PDF]
Cyrille Heriveaux, Thierry Paul1202.5328 (Thad G. Walker et al.)
Entanglement of Two Atoms using Rydberg Blockade [PDF]
Thad G. Walker, Mark Saffman1202.5344 (Jerry M. Chow et al.)
Complete universal quantum gate set approaching fault-tolerant
thresholds with superconducting qubits [PDF]
Jerry M. Chow, Jay M. Gambetta, A. D. Corcoles, Seth T. Merkel, John A. Smolin, Chad Rigetti, S. Poletto, George A. Keefe, Mary B. Rothwell, J. R. Rozen, Mark B. Ketchen, M. Steffen
1202.5352 (Ramin M. Abolfath et al.)
Dynamical Magnetic and Nuclear Polarization in Complex Spin Systems:
Semi-magnetic II-VI Quantum Dots [PDF]
Ramin M. Abolfath, Anna Trojnar, Bahman Roostaei, Thomas Brabec, Pawel Hawrylak
1202.5459 (Xing-Can Yao et al.)
Experimental demonstration of topological error correction [PDF]
Xing-Can Yao, Tian-Xiong Wang, Hao-Ze Chen, Wei-Bo Gao, Austin G. Fowler, Robert Raussendorf, Zeng-Bing Chen, Nai-Le Liu, Chao-Yang Lu, You-Jin Deng, Yu-Ao Chen, Jian-Wei Pan1202.5462 (Gregg M. Gallatin et al.)
Propagation of Vortex Electron Wave Functions in a Magnetic Field [PDF]
Gregg M. Gallatin, Ben McMorran1202.5533 (Chad Rigetti et al.)
Superconducting qubit in waveguide cavity with coherence time
approaching 0.1ms [PDF]
Chad Rigetti, Stefano Poletto, Jay M. Gambetta, B. L. T. Plourde, Jerry M. Chow, A. D. Corcoles, John A. Smolin, Seth T. Merkel, J. R. Rozen, George A. Keefe, Mary B. Rothwell, Mark B. Ketchen, M. Steffen
1202.5541 (J. E. Johnson et al.)
Heralded state preparation in a superconducting qubit [PDF]
J. E. Johnson, C. Macklin, D. H. Slichter, R. Vijay, E. B. Weingarten, John Clarke, I. SiddiqiFriday, February 24, 2012
1012.3075 (J. Maziero et al.)
Classicality witness for two-qubit states [PDF]
J. Maziero, R. M. Serra1108.1607 (Zhaoliang Wang et al.)
Exact Eigenfunctions of $N$-Body system with Quadratic Pair Potential [PDF]
Zhaoliang Wang, Anmin Wang, Yang Yang, Xuechao Li1110.5570 (N. M. Linke et al.)
Background-free detection of trapped ions [PDF]
N. M. Linke, D. T. C. Allcock, D. J. Szwer, C. J. Ballance, T. P. Harty, H. A. Janacek, D. N. Stacey, A. M. Steane, D. M. Lucas1112.0265 (F. M. Andrade et al.)
Physical regularization for the spin-1/2 Aharonov-Bohm problem in
conical space [PDF]
F. M. Andrade, E. O. Silva, M. Pereira
1202.5044 (Robert Paul Salazar et al.)
Constrained quantum mechanics: chaos in non-planar billiards [PDF]
Robert Paul Salazar, Gabriel Tellez1202.5056 (Jun Jing et al.)
Non-perturbative Dynamical Decoupling Control and Threshold [PDF]
Jun Jing, Lian-Ao Wu, J. Q. You, Ting Yu1202.5058 (Christoph Spengler et al.)
Entanglement detection via mutually unbiased bases [PDF]
Christoph Spengler, Marcus Huber, Stephen Brierley, Theodor Adaktylos, Beatrix C. Hiesmayr1202.5060 (G. A. Levin et al.)
Energy Transport in Closed Quantum Systems [PDF]
G. A. Levin, W. A. Jones, K. Walczak, K. L. Yerkes1202.5067 (Andrew L. C. Hayward et al.)
Fractional Quantum Hall Physics in Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Lattices [PDF]
Andrew L. C. Hayward, Andrew M. Martin, Andrew D. Greentree1202.5086 (Jiajia Du et al.)
Pairing imbalance in BCS-BEC crossover of inhomogeneous three-component
Fermi-gas in two dimensions [PDF]
Jiajia Du, Junjun Liang, J. -Q. Liang
1202.5091 (Ching-Hao Chang et al.)
Analogy of RKKY oscillations to the heat exchange in cold atoms [PDF]
Ching-Hao Chang, Tzay-Ming Hong1202.5095 (Ahmed M. Abdelrahman et al.)
Observations of indirect exciton trapping in one- and two-dimensional
magnetic lattices [PDF]
Ahmed M. Abdelrahman, Byoung S. Ham
1202.5106 (J. Sperling et al.)
True photo-counting statistics of multiple on-off detectors [PDF]
J. Sperling, W. Vogel, G. S. Agarwal1202.5111 (James M. Chappell et al.)
N-player quantum games in an EPR setting [PDF]
James M. Chappell, Azhar Iqbal, Derek Abbott1202.5136 (Hui Khoon Ng et al.)
A simple minimax estimator for quantum states [PDF]
Hui Khoon Ng, Berthold-Georg Englert1202.5139 (Prabha Mandayam et al.)
Towards a Unified Framework for Approximate Quantum Error Correction [PDF]
Prabha Mandayam, Hui Khoon Ng1202.5143 (Sudip Kumar Haldar et al.)
Quantum many-body tunneling of attractive Bose-Einstein condensate
through double asymmetric barrier [PDF]
Sudip Kumar Haldar, Pankaj Debnath, Barnali Chakrabarti
1202.5174 (T. Salger et al.)
Coherent negative mobility of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice [PDF]
T. Salger, S. Kling, S. Denisov, A. V. Ponomarev, P. Hanggi, M. Weitz1202.5191 (Jonas A. Mlynek et al.)
Time Resolved Collective Entanglement Dynamics in Cavity Quantum
Electrodynamics [PDF]
Jonas A. Mlynek, Abdufarrukh A. Abdumalikov Jr., Johannes M. Fink, Lars Steffen, Matthias Baur, Christian Lang, Arjan F. van Loo, Andreas Wallraff
1202.5196 (L. Steffen et al.)
Experimental Monte Carlo Quantum Process Certification [PDF]
L. Steffen, M. P. da Silva, A. Fedorov, M. Baur, A. Wallraff1202.5214 (Daniel L. Whitenack et al.)
Density Functional Resonance Theory: complex density functions,
convergence, orbital energies, and functionals [PDF]
Daniel L. Whitenack, Adam Wasserman
1202.5226 (Abdulaziz D. Alhaidari et al.)
Confined Dirac Particles in Constant and Tilted Magnetic Field [PDF]
Abdulaziz D. Alhaidari, Hocine Bahlouli, Ahmed Jellal1202.5246 (Adhip Agarwala et al.)
Quantum diffraction grating with cold atoms in an optical lattice [PDF]
Adhip Agarwala, Madhurima Nath, Jasleen Lugani, K. Thyagarajan, Sankalpa Ghosh1202.5250 (Jakob Meineke et al.)
Interferometric Measurement of Local Spin-Fluctuations in a Quantum Gas [PDF]
Jakob Meineke, Jean-Philippe Brantut, David Stadler, Torben Müller, Henning Moritz, Tilman Esslinger1202.5278 (Bart Van Tiggelen et al.)
QED Corrections to the Electromagnetic Abraham Force. Casimir Momentum
of the Hydrogen atom? [PDF]
Bart Van Tiggelen, Sebastien Kawka, Geert L. J. A. Rikken
Thursday, February 23, 2012
1105.1294 (Keiichi Nagao et al.)
Momentum and Hamiltonian in Complex Action Theory [PDF]
Keiichi Nagao, Holger Bech Nielsen1106.3419 (Andreas M. Läuchli et al.)
Entanglement spectra of coupled S=1/2 spin chains in a ladder geometry [PDF]
Andreas M. Läuchli, John Schliemann1109.0957 (L. Lamata et al.)
The nonrelativistic limit of the Majorana equation and its simulation in
trapped ions [PDF]
L. Lamata, J. Casanova, I. L. Egusquiza, E. Solano
1112.0171 (Li-hui Sun et al.)
First-order coherence versus entanglement in a nano-mechanical cavity [PDF]
Li-hui Sun, Gao-xiang Li, Zbigniew Ficek1112.4966 (S. -A. Biehs et al.)
Towards a black body for near-field thermal radiation [PDF]
S. -A. Biehs, M. Tschikin, P. Ben-Abdallah1202.4918 (V. I. Yukalov et al.)
Quantum decision making by social agents [PDF]
V. I. Yukalov, D. Sornette1202.4764 (Lea F. Santos et al.)
Weak and strong typicality in quantum systems [PDF]
Lea F. Santos, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Marcos Rigol1202.4810 (Lorenzo Campos Venuti et al.)
Probability density of quantum expectation values [PDF]
Lorenzo Campos Venuti, Paolo Zanardi1202.4827 (Peng Xue et al.)
Two coupled Jaynes-Cummings cells [PDF]
Peng Xue, Zbigniew Ficek, Barry C. Sanders1202.4894 (Issam Ibnouhsein et al.)
Twin Quantum Cheshire Cats [PDF]
Issam Ibnouhsein, Alexei Grinbaum1202.4931 (Erik Nielsen et al.)
A many-electron tight binding method for the analysis of quantum dot
systems [PDF]
Erik Nielsen, Rajib Rahman, Richard P. Muller
1202.5032 (Xin Wang et al.)
Composite pulses for robust universal control of singlet-triplet qubits [PDF]
Xin Wang, Lev S. Bishop, J. P. Kestner, Edwin Barnes, Kai Sun, S. Das SarmaWednesday, February 22, 2012
1002.3908 (Witold Chmielowiec et al.)
Fractional Fourier Transform and Geometric Quantization [PDF]
Witold Chmielowiec, Jerzy Kijowski1006.4651 (J. DiGuglielmo et al.)
Preparing the bound instance of quantum entanglement [PDF]
J. DiGuglielmo, A. Samblowski, B. Hage, C. Pineda, J. Eisert, R. Schnabel1104.1410 (Martin Schwarz et al.)
Preparing projected entangled pair states on a quantum computer [PDF]
Martin Schwarz, Kristan Temme, Frank Verstraete1106.3538 (S. M. Rochester et al.)
Orientation-to-alignment conversion and spin squeezing [PDF]
S. M. Rochester, M. P. Ledbetter, T. Zigdon, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, D. Budker1106.5097 (Lei Wang et al.)
Quantum Information transmission [PDF]
Lei Wang, Jie-Hui Huang, Jonathan P. Dowling, Shi-Yao Zhu1110.4718 (Matthew A. Broome et al.)
Reducing multi-photon rates in pulsed down-conversion by temporal
multiplexing [PDF]
Matthew A. Broome, Marcelo P. Almeida, Alessandro Fedrizzi, Andrew G. White
1111.1101 (Richard Tatham et al.)
Nonclassical correlations in continuous-variable non-Gaussian Werner
states [PDF]
Richard Tatham, Ladislav Mišta Jr., Gerardo Adesso, Natalia Korolkova
1112.1366 (G. Bimonte et al.)
Material dependence of Casimir forces: gradient expansion beyond
proximity [PDF]
G. Bimonte, T. Emig, M. Kardar
1201.2887 (Wen-ge Wang et al.)
Preferred States of Decoherence under Intermediate System-Environment
Coupling [PDF]
Wen-ge Wang, Lewei He, Jiangbin Gong
1202.4475 (G. Passante et al.)
Measuring DQC1 Quantum Discord using DQC1 [PDF]
G. Passante, O. Moussa, R. Laflamme1202.4513 (Howard Barnum et al.)
Local tomography and the Jordan structure of quantum theory [PDF]
Howard Barnum, Alexander Wilce1202.4519 (Jing Zhu et al.)
Multipartite Quantum Entanglement Evolution in Photosynthetic Complexes [PDF]
Jing Zhu, Sabre Kais, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Sam Rodriques, Ben Brock, Peter J. Love1202.4556 (Maxim Goryachev et al.)
Extremely Low-Loss Acoustic Phonons in a Quartz Bulk Acoustic Wave
Resonator [PDF]
Maxim Goryachev, Daniel L. Creedon, Eugene N. Ivanov, Serge Galliou, Roger Bourquin, Michael E. Tobar
1202.4559 (L. Slodička et al.)
Interferometric thermometry of a single sub-Doppler cooled atom [PDF]
L. Slodička, G. Hétet, N. Röck, S. Gerber, P. Schindler, M. Kumph, M. Hennrich, R. Blatt1202.4583 (V. Chithiika Ruby et al.)
A report on the nonlinear squeezed states and their non-classical
properties of a generalized isotonic oscillator [PDF]
V. Chithiika Ruby, M. Senthilvelan
1202.4708 (Simon J. D. Phoenix et al.)
Playing Games with Quantum Mechanics [PDF]
Simon J. D. Phoenix, Faisal Shah Khan1202.4718 (A. M. Zagoskin et al.)
Heat cost of parametric generation of microwave squeezed states [PDF]
A. M. Zagoskin, E. Il'ichev, Franco Nori1202.4744 (A. Gogyan et al.)
Deterministic production of free-propagating Fock states of programmable
photon number from a single atom-cavity system [PDF]
A. Gogyan, S. Guerin, C. Leroy, Yu. Malakyan
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
1006.4366 (Philipp Hyllus et al.)
Fisher information and multiparticle entanglement [PDF]
Philipp Hyllus, Wiesław Laskowski, Roland Krischek, Christian Schwemmer, Witlef Wieczorek, Harald Weinfurter, Luca Pezzé, Augusto Smerzi1104.3839 (Riccardo Adami et al.)
Stationary States of NLS on Star Graphs [PDF]
Riccardo Adami, Claudio Cacciapuoti, Domenico Finco, Diego Noja1108.2065 (Sadegh Raeisi et al.)
Coarse Graining Makes It Hard to See Micro-Macro Entanglement [PDF]
Sadegh Raeisi, Pavel Sekatski, Christoph Simon1108.2615 (Iwo Bialynicki-Birula et al.)
Removal of the Schwinger nonanaliticity in pair production by adiabatic
switching of the electric field [PDF]
Iwo Bialynicki-Birula, Lukasz Rudnicki
1110.0223 (G. Romero et al.)
Ultrafast Quantum Gates in Circuit QED [PDF]
G. Romero, D. Ballester, Y. M. Wang, V. Scarani, E. Solano1110.1653 (Yinyin Qian et al.)
Many-body Landau-Zener Transition in Cold Atom Double Well Optical
Lattices [PDF]
Yinyin Qian, Ming Gong, Chuanwei Zhang
1110.3127 (B. Neethi Simon et al.)
Hamilton's turns as visual tool-kit for designing of single-qubit
unitary gates [PDF]
B. Neethi Simon, C. M. Chandrashekar, Sudhavathani Simon
1110.3329 (Hannes Bernien et al.)
Two-photon quantum interference from separate nitrogen vacancy centers
in diamond [PDF]
Hannes Bernien, Lilian Childress, Lucio Robledo, Matthew Markham, Daniel Twitchen, Ronald Hanson
1112.0083 (Ph. A. Jacquet et al.)
Temperature and Voltage Probes Far from Equilibrium [PDF]
Ph. A. Jacquet, C. -A. Pillet1201.0643 (D. E. Chang et al.)
Cavity QED with atomic mirrors [PDF]
D. E. Chang, L. Jiang, A. V. Gorshkov, H. J. Kimble1202.4046 (Martin Bitter et al.)
Coherent Ro-vibrational Revivals in a Thermal Molecular Ensemble [PDF]
Martin Bitter, Evgeny A. Shapiro, Valery Milner1202.4054 (Guo-Zhu Pan et al.)
Nonlocality Distillation for High-Dimensional System [PDF]
Guo-Zhu Pan, Chao Li, Zheng-Gen Chen, Ming Yang, Zhuo-Liang Cao1202.4077 (Ying Li et al.)
Long-distance entanglement generation with scalable and robust
two-dimensional quantum network [PDF]
Ying Li, Daniel Cavalcanti, Leong Chuan Kwek
1202.4089 (A. El Allati et al.)
Dynamics of multi-modes maximum entangled coherent state over amplitude
damping channel [PDF]
A. El Allati, Y. Hassouni, N. Metwally
1202.4111 (Andreas Deuchert et al.)
Dynamics and symmetries of a repulsively bound atom pair in an infinite
optical lattice [PDF]
Andreas Deuchert, Kaspar Sakmann, Alexej I. Streltsov, Ofir E. Alon, Lorenz S. Cederbaum
1202.4120 (Palle Jorgensen et al.)
Spectral Theory of Multiple Intervals [PDF]
Palle Jorgensen, Steen Pedersen, Feng Tian1202.4125 (Yuanwei Zhang et al.)
Finite temperature Dicke phase transition of a Bose-Einstein condensate
in an optical cavity [PDF]
Yuanwei Zhang, Jinling Lian, J. -Q. Liang, Gang Chen, Chuanwei Zhang, Suotang Jia
1202.4206 (Xun Chen et al.)
Understanding Polarization Correlation of Entangled Vector Meson Pairs [PDF]
Xun Chen, Siguang Wang, Yajun Mao1202.4208 (Xin-Ping Xu et al.)
Symmetry and localization of quantum walk induced by extra link in
cycles [PDF]
Xin-Ping Xu, Yusuke Ide, Norio Konno
1202.4280 (Ansgar Pernice et al.)
Models of decoherence with negative dephasing rate [PDF]
Ansgar Pernice, Julius Helm, Walter T. Strunz1202.4313 (Yanfeng Zhang et al.)
GaN directional couplers for integrated quantum photonics [PDF]
Yanfeng Zhang, Loyd McKnight, Erman Engin, Ian M. Watson, Martin J. Cryan, Erdan Gu, Mark G. Thompson, Stephane Calvez, Jeremy L. O'Brien, Martin D. Dawson1202.4314 (N. Timoney et al.)
Atomic frequency comb memory with spin wave storage in 153Eu3+:Y2SiO5 [PDF]
N. Timoney, B. Lauritzen, I. Usmani, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin1202.4316 (James R. Wootton et al.)
High threshold error correction for the surface code [PDF]
James R. Wootton, Daniel Loss1202.4324 (Chen Wang et al.)
Quantum correlations in the collective spin systems [PDF]
Chen Wang, Yu-Yu Zhang, Qing-Hu Chen1202.4379 (T. van der Sar et al.)
Decoherence-protected quantum gates for a hybrid solid-state spin
register [PDF]
T. van der Sar, Z. H. Wang, M. S. Blok, H. Bernien, T. H. Taminiau, D. M. Toyli, D. A. Lidar, D. D. Awschalom, R. Hanson, V. V. Dobrovitski
1202.4440 (Chetan S. Mandayam Nayakar et al.)
Libertarian free will and quantum indeterminism [PDF]
Chetan S. Mandayam Nayakar, S. Omkar, R. Srikanth1202.4444 (Mingwu Lu et al.)
Quantum degenerate dipolar Fermi gas [PDF]
Mingwu Lu, Nathaniel Q. Burdick, Benjamin L. LevMonday, February 20, 2012
1106.0109 (Da-Bao Yang et al.)
Demonstrating Additional Law of Relativistic Velocities based on
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Da-Bao Yang, Yan Li, Fu-Lin Zhang, Jing-Ling Chen
1109.1943 (J. Bouda et al.)
Encryption with Weakly Random Keys Using Quantum Ciphertext [PDF]
J. Bouda, M. Pivoluska, M. Plesch1109.3163 (Leandro Aolita et al.)
Fully nonlocal, monogamous, and random genuinely multipartite quantum
correlations [PDF]
Leandro Aolita, Rodrigo Gallego, Adán Cabello, Antonio Acín
1111.2026 (Mario Berta et al.)
Quantum to Classical Randomness Extractors [PDF]
Mario Berta, Omar Fawzi, Stephanie Wehner1111.3554 (Xiangguo Yin et al.)
Quantum criticality of a one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixture [PDF]
Xiangguo Yin, Xi-Wen Guan, Yunbo Zhang, Shu Chen1111.7272 (S. M. Anton et al.)
Pure dephasing in flux qubits due to flux noise with spectral density
scaling as $1/ f^α$ [PDF]
S. M. Anton, C. Müller, J. S. Birenbaum, S. R. O'Kelley, A. D. Fefferman, D. S. Golubev, G. C. Hilton, H. -M. Cho, K. D. Irwin, F. C. Wellstood, Gerd Schön, A. Shnirman, John Clarke
1112.3885 (Martin Kiffner et al.)
Dissipative quantum light field engineering [PDF]
Martin Kiffner, Uwe Dorner, Dieter Jaksch1202.3822 (Won-Young Hwang et al.)
No-signaling Quantum Key Distribution: A Straightforward Approach [PDF]
Won-Young Hwang, Joonwoo Bae, Nathan Killoran1202.3831 (Travis Horrom et al.)
Quantum Enhanced Magnetometer with Low Frequency Squeezing [PDF]
Travis Horrom, Robinjeet Singh, Jonathan P. Dowling, Eugeniy E. Mikhailov1202.3846 (Ivan Janeček et al.)
Multiscale non-adiabatic dynamics with radiative decay, case study on
the post-ionization fragmentation of rare-gas tetramers [PDF]
Ivan Janeček, Tomáš Janča, Pavel Naar, Frederic Renard, René Kalus, Florent X. Gadéa
1202.3849 (Da-Bao Yang et al.)
Berry phases for interacting spins in composite environments [PDF]
Da-Bao Yang, Fu-Lin Zhang, Jing-Ling Chen1202.3888 (A. Mikhalychev et al.)
Nonlinear coherent loss for generating non-classical states [PDF]
A. Mikhalychev, D. Mogilevtsev, S. Kilin1202.3903 (F. A. Grünbaum et al.)
Recurrence for discrete time unitary evolutions [PDF]
F. A. Grünbaum, L. Velázquez, A. H. Werner, R. F. Werner1202.3921 (U. Seyfarth et al.)
Symmetries and security of a quantum-public-key encryption based on
single-qubit rotations [PDF]
U. Seyfarth, G. M. Nikolopoulos, G. Alber
1202.3975 (Patrik Thunström et al.)
Electronic entanglement in late transition metal oxides [PDF]
Patrik Thunström, Igor Di Marco, Olle Eriksson1202.4010 (Abel Molina et al.)
Optimal counterfeiting attacks and generalizations for Wiesner's quantum
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Abel Molina, Thomas Vidick, John Watrous
Friday, February 17, 2012
0808.1391 (Aden Ahmed et al.)
Octonionization of three player, two strategy maximally entangled
quantum games [PDF]
Aden Ahmed, Steve Bleiler, Faisal Shah Khan
1010.2805 (Ming Zhang et al.)
Trajectory-constrained optimal local time-continuous waveform controls
for state transitions in $N$-level quantum systems [PDF]
Ming Zhang, Jia-Hua Wei, Weiwei Zhou, Hong-Yi Dai, Zairong Xi, S. G. Schirmer
1111.0120 (Primitivo B. Acosta-Humánez et al.)
Darboux Integrals for Schrödinger Planar Vector Fields via Darboux
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Primitivo B. Acosta-Humánez, Chara Pantazi
1111.7315 (Şükrü Ekin Kocabaş et al.)
Resonance fluorescence in a waveguide geometry [PDF]
Şükrü Ekin Kocabaş, Eden Rephaeli, Shanhui Fan1202.3439 (Chi-Han Chang et al.)
An excitation-dependent four-level model for quantum entanglement in
photosynthetic systems [PDF]
Chi-Han Chang, Agata M. Branczyk, Gregory D. Scholes, Daniel F. V. James
1202.3447 (Axel U. J. Lode et al.)
How does an interacting many-body system tunnel through a potential
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Axel U. J. Lode, Alexej I. Streltsov, Kaspar Sakmann, Ofir E. Alon, Lorenz S. Cederbaum
1202.3471 (Eduardo Sánchez-Burillo et al.)
Navigating and Ranking Complex Networks Quantum [PDF]
Eduardo Sánchez-Burillo, Jordi Duch, Jesús Gómez-Gardenes, David Zueco1202.3472 (D. Maclaurin et al.)
Large adiabatic geometric phase in rotating single atom-scale diamond
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D. Maclaurin, M. W. Doherty, L. C. L. Hollenberg, A. M. Martin
1202.3507 (Ernesto Medina et al.)
Chiral molecular films as electron polarizers and polarization
modulators [PDF]
Ernesto Medina, Floralba López, Mark Ratner, Vladimiro Mujica
1202.3541 (E. I. Jafarov et al.)
Deformed su(1,1) algebra as a model for quantum oscillators [PDF]
E. I. Jafarov, N. I. Stoilova, J. Van der Jeugt1202.3571 (Dax Enshan Koh et al.)
The effects of reduced "free will" on Bell-based randomness expansion [PDF]
Dax Enshan Koh, Michael J. W. Hall, Setiawan, James E. Pope, Chiara Marletto, Alastair Kay, Valerio Scarani, Artur Ekert1202.3591 (P-A. Huynh et al.)
Quantum coherence engineering in the integer quantum Hall regime [PDF]
P-A. Huynh, F. Portier, H. le Sueur, G. Faini, U. Gennser, D. Mailly, F. Pierre, W. Wegscheider, P. Roche1202.3628 (Denys I. Bondar et al.)
Wigner Function's Negativity Demystified [PDF]
Denys I. Bondar, Renan Cabrera, Herschel A. Rabitz1202.3646 (C. R. Laumann et al.)
The quantum adiabatic algorithm and scaling of gaps at first order
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C. R. Laumann, R. Moessner, A. Scardicchio, S. L. Sondhi
1202.3659 (Michael Schmidt et al.)
Optomechanical circuits for nanomechanical continuous variable quantum
state processing [PDF]
Michael Schmidt, Max Ludwig, Florian Marquardt
1202.3674 (Andreas Kronwald et al.)
Full photon statistics of a light beam transmitted through an
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Andreas Kronwald, Max Ludwig, Florian Marquardt
1202.3675 (T. Antoni et al.)
Nonlinear mechanics with photonic crystal nanomembranes [PDF]
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1102.2624 (Omar Fawzi et al.)
Classical communication over a quantum interference channel [PDF]
Omar Fawzi, Patrick Hayden, Ivan Savov, Pranab Sen, Mark M. Wilde1106.3377 (Keisuke Fujii et al.)
Computational Power and Correlation in Quantum Computational Tensor
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Keisuke Fujii, Tomoyuki Morimae
1106.4078 (C. De Grandi et al.)
Universal nonequilibrium quantum dynamics in imaginary time [PDF]
C. De Grandi, A. Polkovnikov, A. W. Sandvik1107.5413 (Juyeon Yi et al.)
Beyond Zeno: Approaching Infinite Temperature upon Repeated Measurements [PDF]
Juyeon Yi, Peter Talkner, Gert-Ludwig Ingold1108.3569 (Sergio Boixo et al.)
Entangled and sequential quantum protocols with dephasing [PDF]
Sergio Boixo, Chris Heunen1111.4879 (Zhao Liu et al.)
Quantum Information Approach to Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Tilted
Double-Well System [PDF]
Zhao Liu, Hongli Guo, Shu Chen, Heng Fan
1112.5183 (Pablo Alejandro Sánchez et al.)
Dirac equation in a de Sitter expansion for massive neutrinos from
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Pablo Alejandro Sánchez, Mariano Anabitarte, Mauricio Bellini
1202.3134 (A. Figalli et al.)
WKB analysis of Bohmian dynamics [PDF]
A. Figalli, C. Klein, P. Markowich, C. Sparber1202.3152 (Mathias Albert et al.)
Electron Waiting Times in Mesoscopic Conductors [PDF]
Mathias Albert, Géraldine Haack, Christian Flindt, Markus Büttiker1202.3159 (D. G. Norris et al.)
Anomalous light shift through quantum jumps in quasi-resonant Rayleigh
scattering [PDF]
D. G. Norris, A. D. Cimmarusti, L. A. Orozco, P. Barberis-Blostein, H. J. Carmichael
1202.3163 (Michael Skotiniotis et al.)
Operational Interpretation of the G-asymmetry for Abelian Groups [PDF]
Michael Skotiniotis, Gilad Gour1202.3166 (A. Ullah et al.)
Quantum resonant effects in the delta-kicked rotor revisited [PDF]
A. Ullah, S. K. Ruddell, J-A. Currivan, M. D. Hoogerland1202.3195 (Marcelo V. da Cunha Pereira et al.)
Cancellation of atmospheric turbulence angle-of-arrival fluctuations [PDF]
Marcelo V. da Cunha Pereira, Luísa A. P. Filpi, Carlos H. Monken1202.3237 (Andreas Wild et al.)
Few electron double quantum dot in an isotopically purified $^{28}$Si
quantum well [PDF]
Andreas Wild, Johannes Kierig, Jürgen Sailer, Joel Ager III, Eugene Haller, Gerhard Abstreiter, Stefan Ludwig, Dominique Bougeard
1202.3240 (Martin Leib et al.)
Networks of nonlinear superconducting transmission line resonators [PDF]
Martin Leib, Frank Deppe, Achim Marx, Rudolf Gross, Michael Hartmann1202.3263 (A. Nunnenkamp et al.)
Cooling in the single-photon strong-coupling regime of optomechanics [PDF]
A. Nunnenkamp, K. Borkje, S. M. Girvin1202.3272 (Antoine Canaguier-Durand et al.)
The Casimir effect in the sphere-plane geometry [PDF]
Antoine Canaguier-Durand, Romain Guérout, Paulo A. Maia Neto, Astrid Lambrecht, Serge Reynaud1202.3273 (K. Stannigel et al.)
Optomechanical quantum information processing with photons and phonons [PDF]
K. Stannigel, P. Komar, S. J. M. Habraken, S. D. Bennett, M. D. Lukin, P. Zoller, P. Rabl1202.3275 (A. Ibort et al.)
On the tomographic description of classical fields [PDF]
A. Ibort, A. Lopez-Yela, V. I. Man'ko, G. Marmo, A. Simoni, E. C. G. Sudarshan, F. Ventriglia1202.3288 (Yang Li et al.)
Time-convolutionless non-Markovian master equation in strong-coupling
regime [PDF]
Yang Li, Bin Luo, Jian-Wei Zhang, Hong Guo
1202.3290 (Arnaud Leclerc et al.)
The role of the geometric phases in adiabatic populations tracking for
quantum dissipative systems [PDF]
Arnaud Leclerc, David Viennot, Georges Jolicard
1202.3331 (Ariel Danan et al.)
Practical Quantum Bit Commitment Protocol [PDF]
Ariel Danan, Lev Vaidman1202.3338 (Iryna Andriyanova et al.)
New constructions of CSS codes obtained by moving to higher alphabets [PDF]
Iryna Andriyanova, Denise Maurice, Jean-Pierre Tillich1202.3347 (Hua-Jun Huang et al.)
Indecomposable representations and oscillator realizations of the
exceptional Lie algebra G_2 [PDF]
Hua-Jun Huang, You-Ning Li, Dong Ruan
1202.3374 (Guy Bensky et al.)
On-demand production of entangled photon pairs via quantum-dot biexciton
control [PDF]
Guy Bensky, Selvakumar V. Nair, Harry E. Ruda, Shubhrangshu Dasgupta, Gershon Kurizki, Paul Brumer
1202.3400 (Chester P. Rubbo et al.)
Quantum Dynamics of Solitons in Strongly Interacting Systems on Optical
Lattices [PDF]
Chester P. Rubbo, Indubala I. Satija, William P. Reinhardt, Radha Balakrishnan, Ana Maria Rey, Salvatore R. Manmana
1202.3430 (Ben Q. Baragiola et al.)
N-Photon Wavepackets Interacting with an Arbitrary Quantum System [PDF]
Ben Q. Baragiola, Robert L. Cook, Agata M. Branczyk, Joshua CombesWednesday, February 15, 2012
1011.5919 (M. Dugic et al.)
Parallel decoherence in composite quantum systems [PDF]
M. Dugic, J. Jeknic-Dugic1012.0992 (J. Jeknic-Dugic et al.)
Quantum Structures of a Model-Universe: Questioning the Everett
Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics [PDF]
J. Jeknic-Dugic, M. Dugic, A. Francom
1012.1821 (Christoph Söller et al.)
High-performance single-photon generation with commercial-grade optical
fiber [PDF]
Christoph Söller, Offir Cohen, Brian J. Smith, Ian A. Walmsley, Christine Silberhorn
1103.5297 (Ahmed Jellal et al.)
Massless Dirac Fermions in Electromagnetic Field [PDF]
Ahmed Jellal, Abderrahim El Mouhafid, Mohammed Daoud1109.4945 (Ryan Barnett et al.)
Order by Disorder in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates [PDF]
Ryan Barnett, Stephen Powell, Tobias Grass, Maciej Lewenstein, S. Das Sarma1109.6424 (J. Jeknic-Dugic et al.)
Quantum Structures of a Model-Universe: Questioning the Everett
Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics [PDF]
J. Jeknic-Dugic, M. Dugic, A. Francom
1112.4503 (M. Bruderer et al.)
Exploiting boundary states of imperfect spin chains for high-fidelity
state transfer [PDF]
M. Bruderer, K. Franke, S. Ragg, W. Belzig, D. Obreschkow
1112.4733 (Stefan Riedl et al.)
Bose-Einstein condensate as a quantum memory for a photonic polarization
qubit [PDF]
Stefan Riedl, Matthias Lettner, Christoph Vo, Simon Baur, Gerhard Rempe, Stephan Dürr
1202.2871 (Robert Löw et al.)
An experimental and theoretical guide to strongly interacting Rydberg
gases [PDF]
Robert Löw, Hendrik Weimer, Johannes Nipper, Jonathan B. Balewski, Björn Butscher, Hans Peter Büchler, Tilman Pfau
1202.2758 (Andrej Junginger et al.)
Transition state theory for wave packet dynamics. I. Thermal decay in
metastable Schrödinger systems [PDF]
Andrej Junginger, Jörg Main, Günter Wunner, Markus Dorwarth
1202.2763 (Andrej Junginger et al.)
Transition state theory for wave packet dynamics. II. Thermal decay of
Bose-Einstein condensates with long-range interaction [PDF]
Andrej Junginger, Markus Dorwarth, Jörg Main, Günter Wunner
1202.2916 (Oliver Viehmann et al.)
Reply to Comment on "Superradiant Phase Transitions and the Standard
Description of Circuit QED" [PDF]
Oliver Viehmann, Jan von Delft, Florian Marquardt
1202.2939 (Santiago F. Caballero-Benitez et al.)
The Contact in the BCS-BEC crossover for finite range interatomic
potentials [PDF]
Santiago F. Caballero-Benitez, Rosario Paredes, Victor Romero-Rochin
1202.2973 (Metod Saniga et al.)
Charting the Real Four-Qubit Pauli Group via Ovoids of a Hyperbolic
Quadric of PG(7,2) [PDF]
Metod Saniga, Peter Levay, Petr Pracna
1202.2978 (Chiara Marletto et al.)
How to Counteract Systematic Errors in Quantum State Transfer [PDF]
Chiara Marletto, Alastair Kay, Artur Ekert1202.2982 (Udaysinh T. Bhosale et al.)
Entanglement between two subsystems, the Wigner semicircle and extreme
value statistics [PDF]
Udaysinh T. Bhosale, Steven Tomsovic, Arul Lakshminarayan
1202.2992 (Tony Blake et al.)
A rate equation approach to cavity mediated laser cooling [PDF]
Tony Blake, Andreas Kurcz, Almut Beige1202.2993 (F. Benatti et al.)
Bipartite entanglement in systems of identical particles: the partial
transposition criterion [PDF]
F. Benatti, R. Floreanini, U. Marzolino
1202.2997 (Pinja Haikka et al.)
Non-Markovianity, Loschmidt echo and criticality: a unified picture [PDF]
Pinja Haikka, John Goold, Suzanne McEndoo, Francesco Plastina, Sabrina Maniscalco1202.3019 (Yu-Bo Sheng et al.)
Efficient two-step entanglement concentration for arbitrary W states [PDF]
Yu-Bo Sheng, Lan Zhou, Sheng-Mei Zhao1202.3049 (Jonatan Bohr Brask et al.)
Robust multipartite Bell tests with a single photon [PDF]
Jonatan Bohr Brask, Rafael Chaves1202.3054 (Arghavan Safavi-Naini et al.)
First order SF-MI transition in the Bose-Hubbard model with tunable
three-body onsite interaction [PDF]
Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Javier von Stecher, Barbara Capogrosso-Sansone, Seth T. Rittenhouse
1202.3057 (S . N. Andrianov et al.)
Magnon qubit on double Bose-Einstein condensate [PDF]
S . N. Andrianov, S. A. Moiseev1202.3070 (P. Aniello et al.)
Tensorial characterization and quantum estimation of weakly entangled
qubits [PDF]
P. Aniello, J. Clemente-Gallardo, G. Marmo, G. F. Volkert
1202.3099 (L. H. Ford et al.)
An Analog Model for Quantum Lightcone Fluctuations in Nonlinear Optics [PDF]
L. H. Ford, V. A. De Lorenci, G. Menezes, N. F. Svaiter1202.3121 (H. Krull et al.)
Enhanced Perturbative Continuous Unitary Transformations [PDF]
H. Krull, N. A. Drescher, G. S. UhrigTuesday, February 14, 2012
1105.2185 (Ahmed Jellal et al.)
Transport Properties through Double Barrier Structure in Graphene [PDF]
Ahmed Jellal, El Bouazzaoui Choubabi, Hocine Bahlouli, Abdullah Aljaafari1105.6308 (O. Romero-Isart et al.)
Quantum Memory Assisted Probing of Dynamical Spin Correlations [PDF]
O. Romero-Isart, M. Rizzi, C. A. Muschik, E. S. Polzik, M. Lewenstein, A. Sanpera1106.2850 (Igor Bjelaković et al.)
Universal quantum state merging [PDF]
Igor Bjelaković, Holger Boche, Gisbert Janßen1106.3894 (Ahmed Jellal et al.)
Entanglement in Coupled Harmonic Oscillators via Unitary Transformation [PDF]
Ahmed Jellal, Fethi Madouri, Abdeldjalil Merdaci1108.3898 (A. P. Balachandran et al.)
Mixed States from Anomalies [PDF]
A. P. Balachandran, Amilcar R. de Queiroz1109.0133 (Jie Li et al.)
Non-Markovian effects on non-locality of a qubit-oscillator system [PDF]
Jie Li, Gerard McKeown, Fernando L. Semiao, Mauro Paternostro1110.4367 (Laszlo B. Kish et al.)
Information Networks Secured by the Laws of Physics [PDF]
Laszlo B. Kish, Ferdinand Peper1110.6361 (A. C. Lobo et al.)
The ontological status of density matrices and the consistency of the
Deutsch CTC model [PDF]
A. C. Lobo, I. L. Paiva, P. R. Dieguez
1111.0199 (E. R. Bezerra de Mello et al.)
Fermionic Casimir densities in a conical space with a circular boundary
and magnetic flux [PDF]
E. R. Bezerra de Mello, F. Moraes, A. A. Saharian
1201.5969 (Swapan Rana et al.)
Tight lower bound on geometric discord of bipartite states [PDF]
Swapan Rana, Preeti Parashar1202.2386 (A. Frisk Kockum et al.)
Undoing measurement-induced dephasing in circuit QED [PDF]
A. Frisk Kockum, L. Tornberg, G. Johansson1202.2397 (Yu-Quan Ma et al.)
Topological Euler Number and the Characterization of Topological Phases
in Gapped Fermionic Systems [PDF]
Yu-Quan Ma, Shi-Jian Gu, Shu Chen, Heng Fan, Wu-Ming Liu
1202.2403 (J. M. Deutsch et al.)
The microscopic origin of thermodynamic entropy in isolated systems [PDF]
J. M. Deutsch, Haibin Li, Auditya Sharma1202.2413 (Ananya Ghatak et al.)
Entangled Quantum State Discrimination using Pseudo-Hermitian System [PDF]
Ananya Ghatak, Bhabani Prasad Mandal1202.2418 (Shuntaro Takeda et al.)
Quantum mode filtering of non-Gaussian states for teleportation-based
quantum information processing [PDF]
Shuntaro Takeda, Hugo Benichi, Takahiro Mizuta, Noriyuki Lee, Jun-ichi Yoshikawa, Akira Furusawa
1202.2456 (C. Lupo et al.)
Invariant measures on multimode quantum Gaussian states [PDF]
C. Lupo, S. Mancini, A. De Pasquale, P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio1202.2534 (Karl-Peter Marzlin et al.)
Continuous-Variable Bell Inequalities in Phase Space [PDF]
Karl-Peter Marzlin, T. A. Osborn1202.2556 (Edmond Jonckheere et al.)
Curvature of spin networks [PDF]
Edmond Jonckheere, Frank Langbein, Sophie Schirmer1202.2616 (Yu-Bo Sheng et al.)
Efficient entanglement concentration for three-photon W states with
parity check measurement [PDF]
Yu-Bo Sheng, Lan Zhou, Sheng-Mei Zhao
1202.2626 (T. Graveson et al.)
Development of a high-sensitivity torsion balance to investigate the
thermal Casimir force [PDF]
T. Graveson, C. Rackson, W. J. Kim
1202.2649 (Mircea Trif et al.)
Resonantly Tunable Majorana Polariton in a Microwave Cavity [PDF]
Mircea Trif, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak1202.2651 (Shenggen Zheng et al.)
State succinctness of two-way finite automata with quantum and classical
states [PDF]
Shenggen Zheng, Daowen Qiu, Lvzhou Li
1202.2666 (Yu-Bo Sheng et al.)
Efficient electronic entanglement concentration assisted with single
mobile electron [PDF]
Yu-Bo Sheng, Lan Zhou, Wei-Wen Cheng, Long-Yan Gong, Sheng-Mei Zhao
1202.2685 (Nandan Satapathy et al.)
Classical light analogue of the nonlocal Aharonov-Bohm effect [PDF]
Nandan Satapathy, Deepak Pandey, Poonam Mehta, Supurna Sinha, Joseph Samuel, Hema Ramachandran1202.2693 (Celia Blanco et al.)
Multistate transitions and quantum oscillations of optical activity [PDF]
Celia Blanco, David Hochberg1202.2698 (Uri Steinitz et al.)
Laser Induced Gas Vortices [PDF]
Uri Steinitz, Yehiam Prior, Ilya Sh. Averbukh1202.2726 (Stefan Schmid et al.)
An apparatus for immersing trapped ions into an ultracold gas of neutral
atoms [PDF]
Stefan Schmid, Arne Härter, Albert Frisch, Sascha Hoinka, Johannes Hecker Denschlag
1202.2728 (Fabrizio Logiurato et al.)
Born Rule and Noncontextual Probability [PDF]
Fabrizio Logiurato, Augusto Smerzi1202.2730 (Jannes B. Wübbena et al.)
Sympathetic Cooling of Mixed Species Two-Ion Crystals for Precision
Spectroscopy [PDF]
Jannes B. Wübbena, Sana Amairi, Olaf Mandel, Piet O. Schmidt
1202.2768 (Peter Reimann et al.)
Equilibration of isolated macroscopic quantum systems [PDF]
Peter Reimann, Michael Kastner1202.2776 (Huaixiu Zheng et al.)
Strongly-Correlated Photons Generated by Coupling a Three- or Four-level
System to a Waveguide [PDF]
Huaixiu Zheng, Daniel J. Gauthier, Harold U. Baranger
1202.2779 (K. P. Heeg et al.)
A hybrid model for Rydberg gases including exact two-body correlations [PDF]
K. P. Heeg, M. Gärttner, J. Evers1202.2780 (Detlev Buchholz et al.)
Lie Algebras of Derivations and Resolvent Algebras [PDF]
Detlev Buchholz, Hendrik Grundling1202.2798 (Chao-Qian Pang et al.)
Most robust and fragile two-qubit entangled states under depolarizing
channels [PDF]
Chao-Qian Pang, Fu-Lin Zhang, Yue Jiang, Mai-Lin Liang
1202.2817 (Mohammad H. Amin et al.)
An approximate diagonalization method for large scale Hamiltonians [PDF]
Mohammad H. Amin, Anatly Yu. Smirnov, Neil G. Dickson, Marshal Drew-BrookMonday, February 13, 2012
0906.0522 (A. Guerreiro et al.)
Production of bright entangled photons from moving optical boundaries [PDF]
A. Guerreiro, A. Ferreira, J. T. Mendonça1105.3997 (Andrei Galiautdinov et al.)
Resonator/zero-Qubit architecture for superconducting qubits [PDF]
Andrei Galiautdinov, Alexander N. Korotkov, John M. Martinis1106.2102 (J. R. Armstrong et al.)
Layers of Cold Dipolar Molecules in the Harmonic Approximation [PDF]
J. R. Armstrong, N. T. Zinner, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen1108.0270 (C. Ates et al.)
Thermalization of a strongly interacting closed spin system: From
coherent many-body dynamics to a Fokker-Planck equation [PDF]
C. Ates, J. P. Garrahan, I. Lesanovsky
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